
Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So much has been going through our heads in these last months as we have moved from our secure life into the unknown.  We are keenly interested in everything we can find out about the adoption process in Aaron's country, what to expect in terms of his behavior and what life is like for him where he is currently living.  Because of this we have been following a large assortment of blogs and take special interest in reading the journey's of those who are currently in Aaron's country and going through the rather difficult process.  The paperwork on this side of the ocean compares little to the stress of the actual journey. 

It rocks my boat.  The stories scare me, make me want to do whatever I can to just drop everything and go and at the same time question our ability to navigate those strange and everchanging waters.  Each time I read about another family entering the unknown, I laugh with them, cry with them and rejoice on the day when they are able to carry their child out of the orphanage or institute forever. 

One dear lady has been in Aaron's country for quite a few weeks trying to adopt her two sweet dear babies.  Actually one of those babies is five years old (Aaron's age) but is the size of a 12 month old.   Her story and struggle as she waits for her court date is tough.  The workers at the orphanage question why she would want to adopt two special needs children.  The babies are in rough condition, especially the five year old.  Twice a day she makes the trek to the orphanage to visit them, alone, tired, scared and completely dependent upon God's Grace to see her through.  Because her husband is beyond the allowed age to adopt, she has to navigate the waters alone.  Her story makes my heart ache.  It scares me.  When I see pictures of her little ones and the condition they are in, it makes me want to climb the walls.

We are waiting, navigating the waters here, working on getting all of our affairs in order.  We are clinging to the Lord like never before and realize that in just a little bit of time, we will be holding on for dear life as we enter the unknown. 

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