
Monday, May 3, 2010

Letting go...

I didn't want to let Aaron's papers go today... I drove to Richmond to get the last two papers certified and now all the papers contain a golden seal from the State of Virginia... Don't they look beautiful???

It was so hard to let them go.  To place them in the hands of UPS and walk away.  They represent a lot of sweat, tears, frustration and anxiety.  A whole lot of prayer.  Aaron's papers. 

They leave tonight for Aaron's country.  We are going to track them as soon as they get in the system.  Riding along with Aaron's papers is a precious document for this beautiful boy - Freddie.

His parents are watching our package with as much love and concern as we are.  Their adoption blog is here
I have this to share about dear Freddie.  Before we ever saw Aaron's picture, we saw Freddie's.  We read his story, his need and our hearts ached for him.  We prayed that Freddie would find a family because at that point we were not looking to adopt.  A few weeks after we saw Freddie's picture - we found Aaron.  I believe that having our hearts yearn for Freddie was one of the many small ways that God was preparing us to see Aaron's picture for the first time.  When Freddie found his family we rejoiced.

Knowing how Freddie touched our hearts, I am thrilled to be able to have a small part in his adoption journey

So... Please pray for our papers that they will have an UNEVENTFUL trip across the ocean and into the hands of our able facilitators. 

The next phase of this amazing and scary journey is beginning.

1 comment:

  1. Look at those beautiful golden seals!! Just to think that you will get to meet your precious Aaron next month (most likely)!! So exciting!


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