
Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Abandoned at birth....

Six years ago our little guy was abandoned.... at the hospital....because he was disabled. 

 My heart aches deep within me.  I want to go back six years.  I want to be at the hospital and be present at his birth.  I want to take this rejected little guy with the crooked body and hold him in my arms.  I want to kiss his blonde little head and press him up against me.  I want to hand him to Rob and see him cuddle him in his strong loving arms.  Oh my heart hurts.  I want to watch him grow, learn, thrive because he is loved and cherished.  I want to see past the disability and find the precious child inside. 

In two days we will meet him.  There are no words for what is inside of me. 

Today our SDA appointment went well.  After seven months of waiting it was definitely a bit anti-climactic.  It was pleasant, quick and easy.  We found out that Aaron was abandoned at the maternity hospital.  We were told that he had arthrogryposis (Yep- already knew that!).  We were told he was very smart and slightly mentally delayed (??).  We were told he was slightly psychologically delayed.  How could he not be??  We were shown two precious pictures.  The first is the one above - taken last September, right before he was transferred out of the orphanage and sent to the mental institute.  In it we can see his condition much more clearly.  But if you look close....

You get to see just how beautiful he is. 

The second picture is of Aaron when he became available for adoption. 

Oh how I want to squish those chubby cheeks and kiss that cute little grumpy face. 

I wish I could respond to every e-mail and every comment on our blog and facebook.  You have NO IDEA how much it means to us.  We hang on every word!  Thank you so much for your support and love.  It means the world to  us!!  We have no internet in our apartment though the hookup is there and we were told we had it.  It is definitely disappointing.  We are here in the capital city until tomorrow afternoon.  We will then receive a referral paper that allows us to drive down to Aaron's region and on Thursday, if all goes well, we will meet Aaron for the first time. 

Aaron will be the first child adopted from his present facility.  That is a big deal.  It means we have no idea how things are going to go once we are there.  We ask/plead with you to pray for us.  God has moved the mountains to get us this far and we trust that He is going to continue to move those mountains. 

Last night at 2:30 when I couldn't sleep and was whispering prayers in my pillow as I have been doing now for the last seven months I realized something rather profound.  I am in Aaron's country.  Always before when I couldn't sleep and was whispering prayers, I was counting up the seven hours to "his time".  Last night I realized, I am in his time.  From now on, as long as he lives with us, he will be in our time and we will be in his.  Aaron is coming home.


  1. Oh how my heart breaks for these kiddos :( Im so glad you are there, in his time, and soon you'll be on your way to him. Praying!

  2. Hey there guys! We've been following your travels and are praying everything goes smoothly. Aaron is a dear little boy for sure! I look forward to having a new nephew!
    I thought it was such a hoot that all the Americans are eating at TGI Fridays!-not some cute Ukranian cafe?? We'll be praying that Thursday goes well! Stay safe! And Kool?
    Love, Sam

  3. I'm in tears! He is so beautiful and my heart breaks for him as well. Oh how wonderful it would be if we could go back in time. The Joy is that now he will never have to be alone again, never abadoned again, and never experience the lack of love he's experienced so far. He is truly a blessing & gift from the Lord & I am so happy for you all that you get to take part in that precious gift! Can't wait till you all finally get to meet him & wrap your arms around him!

  4. We are so excited for you all!! Keep posting when you can!! We will keep you in our prayers!

  5. I love the pictures!!! He is such a handsome young man and SHOULD NOT be where he is! We are so thrilled that you are following the Lord into "unchartered territory" to give Aaron life! I can see that you will be blessed by him as much as he will be blessed by you! I can't wait for 2 days from now :).

  6. We are thrilled to hear an update! He is so handsome! We are very thankful that you are following the Lord into "unchartered territory" to give Aaron life! I can see that you will be blessed by him as much as he will be blessed by you! We can't wait for 2 days from now :)

  7. This brought me to tears.

    Still praying for you guys though I don't comment much Can't believe your there!
    He is SO adorable and so looks like a Nalle.
    I cannot imagine the anticipation you are feeling right now.

    Much prayers

  8. Hi Julia!

    My name is Christa and I met you last month at the VA homeschool conference. We adopted Kristina last year from Ukraine. We are praying for you guys. Love the new pictures of your little guy!


  9. Hugs to you! Praying for you as you navigate to get to your son!!! Can't wait to read that you have him in your arms.


  10. Julia, I am so happy that you guys are there and can't wait for you to meet Aaron on Thursday. I can only imagine how excited you must be. I just love the pictures of Aaron. He is just such a handsome boy :) It is funny you mentioned counting up the seven hours to see what time it is for Aaron.I am constantly counting up those 7 hours to see what time it is for Milana and picture what she is doing. Praying for you here.

  11. Oh, Julia! Your express your love for Aaron so beautifully. Praise the Lord he planted that seed of love in your heart for your precious boy. Yes, I too wish we could have been there the day our children were abandoned. I pray the Lord will restore those lost years. I can't imagine how hard it must have been for their biological mothers to walk away from the lives that had just lived inside them.
    He is so handsome and perfect. Awaiting the news that you've finally meet him face to face. Praying!!!

  12. I love the 2 pictures you got of Aaron--you lucky dog you! I will definitely be praying as you come to the end of this ground-breaking adoption! Can't wait to see what doors God will open up through your journey.

    Yes, the no internet issue stinks. That is why we spent so much time at TGIF. We should have carved our name under "our" booth so you guys could see where we spent most of our time. ha ha!

  13. your comment about from here on out you guys will always be on the same time and that he is coming home was so beautiful and touching. gulping down sobs here as we also wait for our little girl that is here in the u.s. praying for your process...

  14. Tears! He IS beautiful and HE is so loved now by his forever family. God bless you all!!

    Lifting you all in prayer!
    Amy <><

  15. Julia,
    Beautiful! (Aaron, you and your family, your words, and especially, GOD for putting this all together!)

  16. I am so, so excited for you! I am praying for your family. What adorable pictures!

  17. Aaron is coming HOME!

    He is so beautiful. The first words out of my mother's mouth were "He's so skinny!" haha. When you guys are home we're coming to visit and we're bringing FOOD

  18. Hi Julia (and family)!
    So glad to hear that court went well. And what a blessing to receive those pictures of Aaron! Praying all goes well as you finish up in Kiev and head south to Aaron. What an awesome opportunity/responsibility the Lord has given you to "pave the way" for future families to adopt out of that institution. Praying!!!

  19. what an absolutely beautiful little boy!!!
    So excited to see the full body photo!
    He will be SO blessed!
    Gerri was left at birth as well - so sad :(

  20. What a beautiful post. Our Erika was left at the hospital too. Those feelings you have for him already are from the Lord and they are real.
    Tell him all those words when he can understand you.
    What a precious little boy! God has great things in store for all of you! And!!! How exciting he has his feet!!!!!! And they look normal!!!!!!
    That is HUGE! Praise the Lord. :)

  21. How precious he is. I remember similar feelings when we found out our SEan was left there at birth, unwanted and without someone to love him into the world. How wonderful that he now has someone who loves excited for you to see him soon!
    love, Traci and the Adamsons

  22. Oh this post made me cry. All these precious children tossed away because of the ignorance of a few people. So glad you have come for him. Say hi to my friends over there, the Whites, Zoromskis, Lorraines and Heims! :) We never got to meet Nances. :(

  23. You don't have to look closely at ALL to see how beautiful he is! :) And how fortunate it seems only his upper extremities are involved. What a blessing! I can't wait to meet this little guy and help him learn how amazing you guys are, how amazing he is, and how amazing God is.


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