
Thursday, October 7, 2010

Pooh Bear Woes

The little King came down the steps this morning quite disgruntled.  Papa put him to bed last night since Mama was out and about with Elijah.  Well, Papa forgot the most important part of going to bed!  He didn't put Pooh Bear in bed with him.  Pooh Bear HAS to sleep with Aaron and then Pooh Bear HAS to be brought down the stairs and placed right in the middle of Aaron's toys because Pooh Bear needs to play.  Pooh Bear is not called Pooh Bear by our little Ukrainian king.  He has a Ukrainian name for him and Papa must not have understood last night when the king told him that Pooh Bear was missing.  This morning I heard all about it.  He came storming down the stairs, fussing and carrying on in Ukrainian about that wicked Papa who left his Pooh alone on the floor. (I guess that was what he was saying because he was fussing, pointing at Pooh and saying "Papa").  But all is well.  Pooh has been hugged and kissed and the king and Pooh are now happily playing with all the toys in the middle of our den. 



  1. Being yelled at in a foreign language- funny how you don't need a translator!

  2. Shame on Papa!!!! LOL...sooo cute!!
    Sunnie in NC

  3. oh, he's fitting in so well! Love seeing family pictures....if fact when someone comes to my house, I pull up the pictures of Aaron with his family now and I say 'See, THIS is what love can do' and fierce determination ;)

  4. Oh I just love how you write your posts! They make me smile!

  5. That is so sweet! i love Pooh bear, as well. You should have named Aaron "Christopher Robin"! Hugs to your Sweet Boy!


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