
Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Update on Evan

For all those who are praying with us for the Hook family - Here is the latest from her blog:

Hello Friends,
What a day! It's so hard to explain all that we are feeling. Of course I have no problem explaining this. WE SAW EVAN TODAY!!! The orphanage director opened her room door and Evan saw me and came running out and landed in my arms.
AHHHHHH!!!! The staff was so surprised that she remembered me!! She was a little shy with Clark and kept poking his beard with her finger. She finally warmed up and they were laughing hysterically by the end of the visit.
We were able to spend about 2 hours with her. She has the best belly laugh and had us in stitches. It was very emotional leaving the orphanage with the uncertainty of our case. When we went to say bye-bye in Russian she responded, "No." Her momma and poppa's heart is full.
It takes us about 6 hours roundtrip to get to the orphanage and back on the worst roads you have ever seen. There are also five of us squished in a tiny car - with the heat on high blast. It was during this time that we prepped for court. Not the best way to prep. It was loud, bumpy and hot. It was also the most important information that we'll receive in order to be prepared. Our heads are on overload, crammed full of information on how to respond if the judge asks this, make sure you don't say that, remember to say this. I took 7 pages of notes to be prepared. However, with all the bumping we did in the car, it looks more like chicken scratch.
We felt your prayers today. We are exhausted, physically and emotionally. We need more prayers.

Specific requests.

1. Our court date is tomorrow morning, March 31st at 10:00 am. That is 1:00 am Thursday morning for all you Nashville people. We would covet your prayers at this time - or anytime after that. Our court date is expected to last 4-5 hours. I'll take any and all we can get during that time.

2. Pray for the Holy Spirit to bring to mind specific answers that they may ask from us. As I said, we are tired and we still have some work to do before we can lay our heads down.

3. Pray for Clark. He is making a very specific speech at the beginning of our court hearing. It is long and important and full of details. He has tonight to write it. Pray for God to guide his pen.

4. Pray for the Judge. That she will see the love that we have for this little girl and that she deserves to have the love of a mommy and daddy and sister and brothers.


  1. thank you for the update, Julia. This sweet one has been on my mind and in my prayers all day...I pray that their visit will bring strong testimony from the orphanage representative in court and that the judge would be persuaded by what they witnessed. Lord, we long for her to come home to her family.....

  2. Thanks for keeping us updated, Julia! We will be praying!! <3

  3. Aww Julia, I am in tears. You can feel the love coming through with each word.... Please God, please, move this judge's heart. Let her see that Evan has so much value and NEEDS a family. In Jesus name I pray. Amen

    Move mountains, move hearts, please, Jesus,please.

  4. I'm praying tonight! And I've posted on Facebook & on my favorite message board (Raising Godly Tomatoes) so there are others praying as well... I'll be checking in first thing tomorrow morning, hoping for a positive update!

  5. Court is going right now, and I am up and praying! (Couldn't sleep with this little angel on my heart!)

  6. Today's news are great news! I'm so happy for them!


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