
Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Across the ocean there is a family who is stuck.  Stuck in the capital city. 

Dave and Lisa Warner's Gotcha day was LAST WEDNESDAY and they were just doing the final no-brainer steps so they could bring their newest treasure, Joshua, home on Friday.

But their little guy was sick when they brought him out of the orphanage.  He had a fever, cough, congestion.  And he had to pass a physical before he could leave the country.  It is a physical that rarely ever means anything.  Except this time.  The doctor listened to his chest and ordered a chest X-ray.  The X-ray indicated that he possibly had pneumonia.  It also indicated that he possibly had TB. 

Chances are he only has pneumonia but the possibility that he has TB has changed the landscape for this family.  A child with untreated TB CANNOT leave the country. 

In the midst of this disastrous situation, Lisa's sister died.  Did you catch that?  Her sister died.  They are across the ocean, stuck, and in a state of total shock and grief.

Please dear friends - lift this family up in your prayers.  Pray for Joshua.  Pray for Lisa and Dave and the rest of their family.  Please pray.  And please help them financially.  They are in a desperate situation.  You can follow their story HERE and link to their Reece's Rainbow family sponsorship page HERE.  Their account will remain open until this situation is resolved.  Please go leave the Warner's encouraging words, prayers, verses today.  And please consider making a donation to help them out.  But most of all - please pray that all would be resolved and they would be able to come home. 


  1. Praying this is all resolved very soon and they can return safely home with Joshua.

  2. This has been weighing so heavy on my heart! Praying for this family and that they can come home soon!
    Brooke Annessa


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