
Saturday, September 3, 2011

Lily Break

Yesterday I didn't do a Fatherless Friday because I was taking a Lily Break!!


I got to spend the afternoon loving on my Dad's girl.

Remember her??  Zara??

The precious little one that my Dad picked off the Angel Tree?  The one he prayed over and loved from afar?

Well she is here at the University of Virginia hospital recovering from open heart surgery.  She's doing well.  I had the privilege of loving on her yesterday while her weary Mama and Grandmom took a break.  My Dad will get the privilege of meeting her tomorrow. 

Oh How Good is God!! 

Lily's surgery went well and after she finishes a 5 day round of antibiotics for an infection she acquired - she should be good to go home!!  What a blessing.  

God is Good!


  1. We got to meet Lily in the Munich airport on our way home from our first trip. She is so precious. I love how chunky she has gotten, she was so thin when we met her. I have been praying for her and will continue to pray.

  2. I LOVE that your dad has a heart for the orphan and that he had a child that had/has his heart! It explains more as to who you are and why you are the lovely way you are!

  3. I just love when everything comes together and the little faces in the pictures come to LIFE!!! What a joy and testimony for your dad to be able to experience that! That's what I call a blessing coming back 100-fold!

  4. Oh so neat! And too cute that she's playing with the toy with her foot! How wonderful that she's doing well and can go home soon! Thank you for sharing such a blessing! And how neat that your dad prayed for her and now she's getting the care and love she needs! Praise God!

  5. Oh my goodness! I just love Lilly updates! I'm so glad that she's looking a bit more chipper, I was super concerned about the infection but glad she's responding to the antibiotics! Praise the Lord for sure!

  6. Amazing...just amazing. Prayers for her quick recovery!


  7. Such a joy to know the surgery went well. And could that photo with the toy hanging from her little toes be any cuter??


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