
Saturday, October 15, 2011

Aaron's Challenge

Aaron never ceases to amaze us.

Our little fugitive from across the ocean.

He's a tough, tough kid who has so many strikes against him.  The list of things he "can't" do is long and depressing at times.  We sometimes wonder how in the world he will ever overcome that list.

Last weekend, I was so sad to see my son sitting on the floor with all of his little Cub Scout buddies. When they all jumped up and ran away, he was left sitting there, waiting for someone to have mercy and lift him to his feet.  His knees don't bend far enough for him to get up by himself easily, and his arms provide him with absolutely no lift whatsoever.  So for all of his life, he has only been able to stand up by himself when he's had a nearby chair or wall to use for leverage. When neither of those is nearby, he's had to beg for assistance. 

Until this week, no one had figured out a way for him to stand up without help. Neither we nor any teacher or therapist could figure out a way for him to do it.  We all thought he would probably be stuck begging for help forever.

But this Mama wasn't convinced of that, because I know MY BOY is TOUGH and he is STRONG and he is SMART. And so, together, we decided to figure out how Aaron could get up off of the floor by himself. On Thursday night while Papa, Ben and Elijah were away at play practice, Aaron and I got to work.

We had figured out earlier that the ONLY way Aaron would be able to stand up from a sitting position on the ground was if he used his head in the place of his hands. He would have to become a human tripod.  But without strong, flexible knees, the boy was going to have to do some serious maneuvering to get himself anywhere near a position to stand. Then he would need INCREDIBLY strong stomach muscles in order to pull himself up. 

This is what we came up with:




He can stand up all by himself.

I weep to type those words.  My boy is a SUPER HERO!

Think this is no big deal???  You try it! 

Aaron's Challenge.....

Ben can't do it.  Elijah can't do it.  Rob can't do it.  I can't do it.

Try it.

No hands.  No knee bending.  No cheating.  Just head and legs and stomach muscles allowed.

Try it!!  Have fun!!

Let us know how you did!!


  1. The Wilcox kids are cheering Aaron's victory this morning!

  2. WHOOOO_HOOOOO!!!! That is awesome!!!!

  3. Crying as I read this... Aaron, you are indeed a super hero!

  4. This is so wonderful!!! What a strong boy, not just physically strong but also in spirit! We are cheering for you over here Aaron!!

  5. That. Is. AWESOME!! Go Aaron!! :) Btw, we have the same paint scheme and chair rail, and our (fake) wood floor is close to the same color as yours. Our kids were like "That looks like our house!" Almost 5 mos pregnant I'm not even going to attempt Aaron's feat (and that's just my excuse, cuz I KNOW I could never do it anyway! lol). WTG, Aaron!!

  6. That is AMAZING, Julia! GO AARON!!!

    After birthing 5 babies, I'm QUITE certain I would not be able to do that, so I'm not going to try for fear I will break my nose. LOL I'll show my springy 7 yo son though and see how he does. (I don't think he can do it either!) Aaron is amazing!

  7. Amazing Aaron!!!!!!

  8. Awesome! Totally amazing!! Good work Aaron and Julie! Aunt Trisha

  9. Oh that made me smile and cry, all at the same time. Sweet Aaron and the things he's been given to overcome! Yah for Aaron!!


  10. Wow Aaron! You are one amazing boy! Your stomach must be really strong! I lay on the floor and just imaging what I would have to do to stand up... Let's just say... I can't do it!

  11. Tears of joy as I scrolled down and watched him get up all on his own. You Rock Aaron!

  12. He's so strong - in many ways! Impressive. I guess he must be really pleased himself to reach that new level of independence!

  13. Amazing!!! I am not going to try it because I am pretty sure I would hurt myself trying.

  14. Just tried it...

    I'm sending you the bill for my chiropractor :)


  15. Aaron rocks! What a sweet joyful face of triumph! Love that boy!

  16. I bet Aaron thinks it's cool that he can do something none of you can do!!! You go Aaron!!!!
    Sunnie in NC

  17. That's amazing!!! I bet there are only a few yoga instructors out there that could even to that! Way to go Aaron!

  18. Break my heart. But in a good way. The look on his face says so much. It looks like he worked so very hard. With his God and his family beside and behind him, this little guy will make his way. Of this I have no doubt. Thank you for sharing this. What a beautiful smile.

  19. We just read this and are cheering Aaron on...Carrie says, Yeah for Aaron- he's the guy!! ...Carrie is with us for her Fall Break and she just had to try it... She thinks she did it once and is trying for a repeat for me... the trick for her is how far apart she can spread her legs... but it works... Can't wait to get together with you all and Carrie and Aaron can go at it together...boy is she so glad that I don't have a camera!! Now she is telling me all the muscle groups that she has taxed out and why the guys can't do it... : ) Hope to see you all some time in the not so distant future!! : )

  20. You go Aaron!! I don't even need to get down and try it - I am certain I couldn't do it!

  21. Hahahaha! Oh little Aaron, that's amazing! Love it. Keep defying expectations super dude! ;)

  22. Aaron, you are AMAZING! What an awesome, determined, strong, determined, cute, determined boy!!!!!!!

    ps there is no way i could even think of doing such a thing. YAY! AARON!!!!!!

    pss YAY! thanking GOD for your AMAZING, DETERMINED MAMA, TOO!!!!!!

  23. way to go Aaron!! You Rock!!!!

  24. Go, Aaron!!! And way to go, Julia for not giving up. What a beautiful post.

  25. I love to see that beautiful smiling face. I love to read that he is well and learning new things. I love to hear what he is up to. I am so thankful you are his Mama. All he needed was someone to believe in him and now look what he is doing! hugs to you and Aaron!

  26. We thought that is just amazing. My son, Spencer, had to try. He is 15 and a soccer player. After 3 tries, and re-looking at the photos, he did it! Twice. And totally out of breath afterward. It has to take so much courage to go through a normal day for him. God bless!


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