
Friday, August 31, 2012


I've struggled over the last few months with blogging.  It had become a chore.  An obligation.

I was turning in circles.  Jumping from one cause to another.  Making myself a bit dizzy.  

I wanted to stop but the need was always before me.  Lost Kids.  Desperate family.  How can you turn away? I blogged out of guilt and desperation.  I blogged because I deeply cared.  I blogged and I blogged but I knew... deep down knew that the Lord was calling me to rest.  For a season.  He was calling me to change my focus.  Do it differently.

So I stopped.  Cold turkey.  

It was amazing.  Restful.  Sweet.

I rested.  I read other blogs.  I supported families on FB.  I spent time in prayer.  I rested.

I'm still resting.  A week is not enough time.  

I'm not back to full-time blogging but in my rest God gave me a gift last night that I just have to share.  

A gift of a little boy.


Those who have followed this blog for years may just remember this little guy.  

I shouted for him in February of 2011.  A post I called WEEPING WEDNESDAY.

His RR name was Easton.

He was a happy, talking, walking, carefree little guy in an orphanage that just happened to be the SAME PLACE where this little boy grew up.

Yep.  Easton and Aaron grew up in the same baby house.  

I didn't know that when I shouted for him in 2011.  I didn't know.  I shouted because I had received a heart-wrenching e-mail from a family in Germany who wanted to call Easton their son.  They had committed to him, raised money for him, prayed for him, longed for him.  All the while he was happy at the baby house.  He was seen by several RR families.  He was described as smart and funny and focused.  

But then tragedy for this happy, bright-eyed little guy happened... LIKE AARON... HE WAS TRANSFERRED.   Transferred.  And the family in Germany knew that because of the extra hoops and red tape they needed to go through... It would take YEARS for them to get him out.  So they released him.  And they sent me an e-mail and begged me to yell.  To yell for their son.

And I yelled.  And others yelled.  

And a family heard.

A Papa...

And a Mama.

They heard the whisper of the Holy Spirit that this one... this one... He was their son.

So they crossed the ocean for the bright-eyed, smart, happy little guy.

But a year and a half in a MENTAL INSTITUTE had taken its toll.  They arrived to find a little boy who had been drugged and left to rot inside a crib.  He was no longer a happy, carefree little soul.  He was broken and bruised and in deep need of gentle hands who would find the little boy trapped inside.

Like Aaron... he was the FIRST and ONLY child to EVER have been adopted out of this institute.

Like Aaron he was ONLY available because the baby house director had had him listed before he was transferred.

Like Aaron he was destined to a life behind bars.

Like Aaron... he has been given wings to fly.

A brother.  A sister.  Grandparents who love him.

He's been given time and space to heal.

And slowly... God is healing this tiny little guy.  It will take time.  But God is a restorer and the transformation they are seeing in him already is awesome to behold.  


And for a few hours last night I was given a sweet reminder from the Lord of Hosts that this is why I am doing what I am doing.  


Thanks be to God!!


  1. I think only when you get to heaven will you be able to understand the huge difference you are making in so many lifes.Thanks for all you do for families and children everywhere.

  2. Thank you for sharing this, I have tears in my eyes! I'll be praying for you in your rest.

  3. I'm weeping this morning as I read this, Julia. God sets the lonely in families. Aren't we blessed to be a small part of it all? For the King and His Glory!

  4. Beautiful - thanks for sharing - Jacob is a beautiful child and redemption looks awesome on him!!

    Now go back to your rest, good and faithful servant! You will know when the time is right, when He's calling to up to bat (a.k.a. blog) again!

  5. Soooooo are you adopting again??? I hope so, because right now i'm jumping up and down.
    Love your blog

  6. He looks amazing. Thank God for that family taking a chance on him. It's nice to have you back, Julia. You are able to connect the dots of the children, their families and the redemption stories that so many of us advocates need to hear to keep going, but don't have access to ourselves.

    Sue H.

  7. What a beautiful post about a beautiful boy! Thank you.

  8. Oh my, Julia, thank you so much for posting about Jacob! We were the family that first tried to adopt him, but sadly we had to back out from the process. I am just so happy to see that he is thriving and is so loved! Thank you, thank you!

  9. Oh sweet Jacob. I love the Wall family and I love Jacob's story. I didn't know they were at the same baby house. Jealous your families were able to meet.

  10. Thank you for the update about Jacob. Praise Jesus! He sets the captives free.
    Thank you Julia. I have been a faithful stalker since Aaron came home. I love the advocate posts, I love the Aaron posts. I pray the Lord renews your passion, that He renews and refines his call for your blog. Rest sweet soldier....

  11. Thank you so much for sharing this wonderful news about little Jacob and his wonderful family - I didn't know what had become of "Easton", and this is such a good news, after all that time of loss and sad neglect. I am so glad you and Jacob's family were able to meet and reunite Jacob and Aaron.

    Such tenacity, forebearance, patience, determination, faith and love are demonstrated and embodied in both your family and Jacob's family. Thank you so much, for being the Hands of Christ in the World...

    Susan in Ky
    Cousin to 2 from EE

  12. Beautiful, thank you for sharing and thank you for your heart that follows God's call. You are amazing!

  13. Those are some of my favorite people in those pictures right there. . . and seeing them was better than European Chocolate. THAT good. Yes. Thank you!

  14. I'm so glad you posted this, and so glad God gave you just the gift you needed! As you said so well- glory to God!!! Love kelly

  15. Welcome back! Thank you so much for sharing. I had often wondered what happened to "Easton." His smile had won my heart a long time ago. I love when you share the happy endings because it shows me the wonderful things God had done for these children and families that I have prayed for.

  16. how precious for you to hold him in your arms. thanks for the update.

  17. God is SO GOOD! Thank you for sharing. These stories, the ones with happy endings keep me going! I cannot wait to go to Aaron's baby house to get my baby!

  18. Love the pictures! Didn't know where else to put this comment, figured you would see it here. Here is a paralympian with arthrogryposis - and I was able to explain to a friend what it was because I am famaliar with your blog.

  19. Thank you. Thank you !!!!!!!!! Easton was the first child I identified as one I wished I could Afopt. U am sitting here with streaming tears so so thankful that a family has stepped u and made him their son. Truly- I believe we live in hell- that may sound foolish But honestly - seeing what we see- I think we all can see what human INDIFFEREENCE and a lack of Loveland caring do..... You have opened my eyes tO so much- I can understand needing a break- but know that your voice is heard.

  20. AMEN and AMEN. I'm glad you are able to return to blogging...I'm so happy to read such a wonderful testimony!

  21. Rest as you need to rest. But your time and heart spent blogging is for the good, in so many ways. I pray that you will always know that.

  22. Beautiful, inspiring, and wonderful! God is so good. Thanks so much for sharing this.


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