
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

God's Paths

Here's the truth.

Advocating for those who have no voice sometimes means that I am going to shed tears over children whom I am never seen and will never meet.

I've shed a lot of tears in the last year.

Some of those tears are because of these two boys.

Spencer and Porter


Both boys had been transferred. Both needed out.

We yelled.

We prayed.

We cried.

We raised money.  We prayed some more.  We yelled some more.  We cried some more.

And God heard.  Two families stepped forward to get these two boys.

Our rejoicing reached the heavens.

But sometimes paths that seem straight end up going in other directions.

And for both these boys  - the paths did not end with them.

How do I share without tears streaming down my face?

I can't.

Porter's family crossed the ocean a few months ago.  I was jumping for joy that he was going to get out.  But when the family sat down for their referral meeting and his file was pulled and the powers that be began to read  his medical history, they discovered that Porter's medical history was much worse than anyone had been informed.  Porter is paralyzed on one side.

No one knew.  Every single person in the room was completely blindsided by the news.

The family had choices... they could go home and get their homestudy changed since they were not approved for paralysis or they could choose another child.

With tears of sorrow they chose another child.

David (Marcus on RR)

And they fell deeply and profoundly in love.

He was the path God had laid out for them.  Porter was the stepping stone.

David has a family.  The Eriksons have a son.

In just a few days David's Papa will be carrying him out of the institute and he will be crossing the ocean and beginning a new life with a family who is praising God for His faithful guidance in their lives.  I praise God with them knowing that another orphan gets a family because they stepped out in obedience.

If you want to follow their story click HERE.

But what about Porter?

At this point Porter is on hold until his medical condition and whereabouts can be absolutely confirmed.  It isn't as easy as making a few phone calls.  Porter is in a village out in the middle of nowhere.  No bus goes directly to the village from the city.  No train goes through the area.  It costs around $250 US to hire a driver to get to the village.  We know.  This is where Aaron lived.  It is a different world and getting information is slow and painstaking.  All we can do is pray that Porter's information will be verified soon so that we can again advocate for him in order to find him a family.

I have not forgotten Porter and as soon as we are able I will be yelling again for him.  I know the Eriksons will be yelling alongside me.

Spencer's story is just as hard.

His family is days away from crossing but they already know that they will not be bringing him home.

Spencer's biological mom has closed the door.

Though she isn't removing him from the institute - she is refusing to allow him to be adopted.  So Spencer stays.

You can read the story HERE.

When Spencer's family found out that he was not available they too had to make a choice.  Do they walk away from adopting or do they choose another child?

As most of you know - At the same time we were yelling for Spencer - we were also yelling for Brent.

We were praying and crying and raising money and praying some more for sweet Brent.

He was Spencer's 'twin' on RR since one year both boys had their adoption pictures taken in the same outfit.


And when Brent had a family we rejoiced with shouts that again reached heaven.

But those tears were mixed with sorrow for me as I knew what was transpiring behind the scenes. 

I knew a choice had been made and the news was definitely bittersweet. 

Oh Dear Spencer. 

 I am so grateful that he is loved by the one who birthed him, and I completely understand her desire to keep him near.  She isn't removing him from the institute and in that I am saddened.  He is going to miss out on all that a family would offer him.  He will spend the rest of his life behind walls.  

In a few short days the Tweitmeyers will be crossing the ocean to bring Brent home.  The path they chose was not the path God had in mind but they are believing that His way is better.  

I will be following their story for Brent with great joy.
I am following David's journey home with joy also.

And mixed in that joy are prayers for two other boys who are not crossing the ocean.  

Sometimes paths that seem straight end up going in other directions.

Sometimes it is bittersweet.

Always - God is Faithful!

1 comment:

  1. I will be keeping the Twietmeyer family in my prayers! Thank you for posting this as my heart is broken for Spencer and Porter as well.


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!