
Monday, February 15, 2016

Lord, When?

‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?’

I was alone and feeling very lonely.  I was sick of travel and just wanted to be home. Bonding with our newest son was so fragile at that point and being away was killing me. I was working a convention where the vendor booths were set up too far for the attendees to walk between sessions and so I spent the majority of the convention standing around talking to the other vendors in a near-empty hall and feeling like the entire trip was a complete waste of my time.
In the midst of my loneliness and depression they came to get me.  In their big Marr Van with their beaming children.  They pulled up in their van and I climbed in and for a few hours all the worry, all the sadness, all the questions about why I was there so far from my family melted away. 
Though we had never met in person before, we share a special bond.
Our sons.
Our Aaron and their sons Jonathan (Sasha on RR) and Benjamin (Alexei on RR).
Three boys who all lived in a sad and lonely place across the ocean.

Both our families spent time in a village out in the middle of nowhere, finding our sons behind those ugly green gates.
They loved two boys behind those gates but only one of them came home with them. The other died before they could get to him. I wrote about him HERE.
Our hearts broke with theirs when we found out. Why Lord? Why?
We share a bond - their family and ours.  A bond filled with grief and sorrow and great joy.  Their Benjamin - full of life and mischief.  Holding him was sweet sweet indeed!
For a few hours last summer they came and chased away my loneliness. Their children - each one unbelievably precious - lifting my spirits and giving me reason to say to Rob later that just seeing them for that short period of time was worth the entire trip.

They are adopting again.
Another boy - Timothy - with limb differences like Jael (the sweet little girl I have my arm around in the picture).
He's four. He's precious and they hold in their hands their Letter of Acceptance so their adoption has a total green light for them to GO GO GO!
Except one thing.
They urgently need $2,570.00.  Like yesterday. They can't sign their Letter of Acceptance without it. After that they are going to need around $12,000.00 before they travel in 8 - 10 weeks.
This family is amazing. Their children are amazing. Timothy will thrive with them. That somber little face is going to glow when he is surrounded by so many who will love him so well. 
Oh please would you consider sowing into this adoption??  Now??  Not in a few days or a few weeks?  I haven't asked for much lately. I'm asking. They need $2,570.00 NOW!
To donate to the Marrs you have 2 options - They have a YOUCARING page where you can donate directly to them. It is not tax deductible. This is the fastest and most efficient way to get to them what they need NOW so they can sign their LOA.
They also have a tax deductible account with their agency:
Wasatch International Adoptions
Attention: Marr Family Adoption
1140 36th Street #204
Ogden, Utah 84403
Write the check to Wasatch International Adoption and put in the check memo line for the Marr Adoption.
Their need right now is urgent.  Please consider helping!!
Their blog is HERE
I have one more family that is also in urgent need.
They are IN COUNTRY.
They are adopting 2 very sweet treasures. 
Celina and Frank
This family is also brimming over with kiddos - and are coming off 2 rounds of 2 separate adoptions of some precious precious treasures!!.
Lucien and Sydney
Veronika and Emilija

They are in country and waiting for court and are about 4,500 short of being funded.
That's what they need to pay their final fees and come home.
Their need is NOW too!
Their RR grant account is HERE.
Two amazing families.
Twelve adopted children between the 2 families and one more in heaven.
Their needs are great. Our God is greater.
If the Holy Spirit prompts on this day... please... Listen. Give. Pray. 
Support the Jenks HERE and help bring Celina and Frank home.
Support the Marrs HERE and help bring Timothy home.
Thank you!!
‘Lord, when?
“The King will reply, ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’

1 comment:

  1. My comment has nothing to do with your post.
    That being said--
    Just wanted to let you know that I went on Reece's Rainbow to update my blog badge today, and I chose the one with the picture of your John. Thought you'd like to know.


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