
Thursday, October 10, 2019

Simple Acts

He watched us discreetly.

He was sitting at his table with his wife, eating his food, reading his book. It was their night out. Together eating and reading and relaxing.

We interrupted his peace.

Our family.

Three children with different needs.

We set up at the tables next to his. Mary in our arms. Seizing quietly. Half aware. Able to drink and even chew slowly. But still in the grip of status.

He saw us whispering. The worry on our faces. This was the third round that day, and she wasn't coming out.

He watched as we ate and whispered, deciding what to do. Weighing the options. He watched as we tended to the boys in the midst of Mary's crisis. The worry on their faces. They wanted to go to youth group. A trip to the hospital would upend their desires.

He watched as we decided to try again. Another round of rescue. Sitting in the restaurant. Feeling so alone in our struggle. 

Slowly, slowly the seizures eased and she began to relax. Sighs of relief. Whispers of thanksgiving. We cleaned up and carried her out to the van. He followed us out. Quietly. Without fanfare. Handing Rob a bit of money to pay for our dinner. Offering words of encouragement.

A simple act that spoke volumes.

To that man we say thank you. Thank you for kindly caring. Thank you. The loneliness of our drama eased. Someone saw. Someone cared.

And to the man in Subway.

We were ordering food. My friend and I. Four children.  On our way to the beach. He came in behind us. Saw our motley crew and his heart was moved. He paid for our food. Few words spoken. He wanted to be the hands of Christ. That was all. It was enough.

No fanfare. Just another simple act. But it blessed us. Both of us.

And to the man on the beach.

Seeing two women pulling a cart through the sand. John hanging on for dear life. The tires struggling to get through the deep sand.

He came running over. Grabbed the handle and pulled. Adding his strength to ours.

Nothing big. Just seeing the need and acting.

Being Jesus' hands and feet.

Simple acts that my children witness. Kindness from strangers who see our many needs and act.

We are a motley crew. Navigating in the world is not that easy.

The kindness of strangers are welcome gifts that help ease a bit of the strain.

Just simple acts.

Acts that lift our spirits, ease our burden and remind us that we are not alone.