
Thursday, January 20, 2011


When we first made the announcement that we were adopting, I think we knocked the socks off most of our family members.  I mean really - we were going to cross the ocean to adopt a special needs child out of a mental institute and it was going to cost a fortune and we were broke and in the building business.  How nutty was that? Yes, our sanity was questioned.  It took a while for some to get their heads around the idea.  I don't blame them.  It was a crazy hair-brained decision that was either born out of sheer madness or came from God.  Since we knew it came from God (and believe me we thought it was insane ourselves), we stayed resolute in our decision to do the ridiculous.

Yes our family members questioned us, they had a right too.  This child we were chasing across the ocean to rescue was going to be part of our family - their family.  They worried, wondered and agonized over our decision.   We knew that discussions were held about us, phone calls were made, some of them may even have considered calling the little white van and getting us committed. 

But in the end, when it mattered - after they too prayed and considered and watched God provide penny after penny that added up to $29,000.00.  After they saw God pouring out His Grace on every single part of our journey to get the sweetest little boy in the world - After all was said and done -  they stood strong behind us.  And their support, their love, their encouragement, their gifts of money - it just plain meant the world to us.  Every single family member rallied behind Aaron in the end.  He is their grandson, nephew, cousin.  Precious.  Precious.

Yesterday I received in the mail a check and a note from one of my aunts.  I broke down and cried right there in the kitchen.  My aunts - my dear sweet aunts - they have been some of our greatest supporters.  We live too far apart for us to ever see them although my aunt Beth did get to meet Aaron in the first weeks that he was home.  (He was not at his best that day - oops).  But they are faithful to us.  Even now.  They read our blog every single day.  They pray for us.  They worry over us.  They donated to our adoption and some could ill-afford to do so.  They love Aaron.  They love our family. 

Why is that so precious to me?  Why does it mean so much?  Because a little over 10 years ago my Mom died.  She didn't get to take part in this journey.  She would have absolutely loved Aaron.   No question.  I ache deep within that she missed this.   But somehow knowing that I have her sisters and sister-in-laws rallying behind us - cheering us on - it takes away some of the sting and loss.  They approve.  It just means the world. 

We are so eternally grateful for a family who has chosen to stand behind us in this journey.  Not everyone has that support base and we do not take it for granted.  It didn't happen overnight.  It took time, but that is normal and it is okay.  Not every hair-brained scheme should be supported.  Our decision did need to be tested.  It was pure insanity and without God directing, it would have fallen off the tracks long ago.  We need the counsel of many to make decisions and we need the support of many when God calls us to do what is ridiculous.  Faith jumped us off the cliff.  Oh, how grateful we are that we have so many of our loved ones who chose to rally behind us and cheer us on.  We needed it when we went to get him, and we need it now as we continue to journey with Aaron.  We are grateful and we are blessed.


  1. And the trail of blessings continues on, as you bless our hearts every day.

  2. You are certainly blessed Julia!

  3. Having your family supporting your adoption IS a huge gift. My mom missed our whole adoption, too, though she (and your mom, too) probably saw more of our own adoptions than we did. They have a better perspective, no? Blessings!

  4. How I wish I had read your blog while you were needing financial support-I would have considered it a privilege to give to your lovely family. I had a dream last night that I met you (that's how much you have been on my heart lately) and I told you something in my dream that I need to tell you for real: you should write a book! Your writing is so beautiful, eloquent, Christ-centered, vulnerable and unpretentious. I appreciate you. I've been thinking especially of you this week trying to entertain a little one in two casts-I had one in a body cast for a month once, so I know how hard that can be. I hope he is doing well...and rejoicing that he is going through this with the family God wanted him to have. God bless you all!

  5. It truly is a huge blessing to have family support. We too had that support and it makes such a difference in the journey.
    A long time ago they questioned our homeschooling... LOL (that was back in 92) once the guys grew up and didn't have 6 heads, it wasn't such a great leap to go across the ocean and adopt a special needs child, or 2 or 3... LOL
    Now they ask, so when is the next one coming? :)


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