
Monday, February 22, 2010

Quick updates...

    A quick update on the Adoption front... Our HOMESTUDY will be put in final form today which means that we can then send it to the USCIS and then we wait for the fingerprint appointment.  Virginia is the SLOWEST state so we know that it will take several months to get through this next stage.... Sigh! 

On the family front... the boys and Rob are auditioning tonight for The Wizard of Oz.  I will again do all the backstage stuff!  This is the first show Rob will be in with the boys.  He usually is the chaeuffer and helps set up and break down but this time he decided he wanted to be IN the show.  We weren't sure that it would work with the adoption but realizing that the fingerprint process is going to move at a snails pace we figured that the timing would work out fine!

So tonight Elijah is going to sing "Yesterday" and Ben is going to sing "Blackbird" (go Beatles) and Rob is going to sing... well, he hasn't decided yet!!  I'm going to sit and enjoy my family!!

1 comment:

Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!