
Sunday, July 11, 2010


     We are here.  Exhausted would best describe our state of being - also jet-sick and car sick.  Elijah was great on three flights in terms of attitude but his stomach did not fair so well.  For all those who know him, you can guess what happened.  Twice on the big jet he lost his lunch.    The third plane was not much bigger than the first and by that trip - we were all exhausted, hot and very thirsty.  By the end of the third plane, not only Elijah but Rob was ready to lose his lunch.  
     Did you know that a small bottle of water costs 4.50 in Germany??  Anticipating that it would cost a lot, I had brought a large bottle of water for us to drink in the airports.  The water was confiscated in Germany and their waiting room was HOT.  I guess water is dangerous.  We bought two bottles of their very expensive water but it barely quenched our thirst.  To get the water I had to 'enter' Dusseldorf.  Basically I passed a booth in the airport where I had to hand the man our passports.  We then walked around the airport (very small - took us only a few minutes to go from one end and back), spent 9.00 on 2 small bottles of water and walked past the man in the booth.  Both times he stamped our passports.  Then we took 5 steps and had to hand the passports and boarding passes to another man who put a stamp on them.  All this in the airport and within a few feet of the waiting room.  Don't you just love beaurocracy?
     We breezed through customs.  We got in the 'red' line to declare our money and computers/electronics, expecting our bags to be taken apart and questions asked about the adoption.  Instead we were waved out of the declaration line and sent out the door.  Not normal procedure,  but we didn't argue.  What a big blessing to not have to open every one of our bags and explain why we are carrying so much money!
     Once through customs, we were so relieved to see our driver, Nicholai, holding up a sign with our name on it.  He does not speak ANY English so communication was definitely minimal since we haven't quite mastered the language yet.  We ended up at a small apartment that was a bit like walking into a sauna.  We talked to Yulia (our facilitator) on the phone and she said she would meet up with us tomorrow.  Nicholai drove us to the nearby market and dropped us off.  We just stood there as we couldn't figure out which door led into the market. As I said, we haven't quite mastered the language here!!.  What a hoot.  Three Americans completely clueless standing outside the market trying to figure out which door to enter.  Our driver watched us and finally came back, walked us into the correct store, waved his arms around to indicate that we were in the market and then left.   Figuring out what to buy and how to read the labels was an adventure, but we survived.  We happily walked back to our little apartment.  Getting in another vehicle tonight would not have made any of us happy at this point.  We are now home in our apartment, watching a DVD, eating peanut butter sandwiches and resting.  Elijah found a fan in one of the closets so the room has cooled down to breathable air.  
     Thank you for all prayers offered on our behalf.  We are here.  God is good.  In only a few days we meet our little guy.  I would be lying if I said we are not filled with every kind of emotion.  We are ever so  thankful that we are not doing this alone!!


  1. Hi Uncle Rob, Aunt Julia, and Elijah -

    This is Spencer. We got back from church just ten minutes ago, so this message popped up when I refreshed the blog. Happy to hear that the plane ride was safe, if not silky smooth. Ben is printing this blog entry to show to Gran and Grandpop; we've been invited to eat there at 5:00 PM (EST).

    We are praying for you.

  2. Welcome to the other side of the world! Praying for you all to feel well and rested soon!

  3. We're glad you made it safely. I well remember the feeling of getting there and not being able to understand what people are saying and just feeling like you don't have "control". Psalm 139 was on my mind alot reminding me that we couldn't go anywhere away from God's spirit, and that "even there Your right hand will hold me fast." You are in our prayers!
    love, the Adamsons

  4. I'm so glad you all made it safe and sound, despite your little adventures! I hope you have a restful night so you'll be ready for the SDA! I can't believe you're going to be meeting Aaron in a matter of days! I assume you'll be taking a train to Odessa?

  5. YAY! Where is your apartment? I can't wait to meet you and hear all about your SDA appointment. It's tomorrow, right?

  6. Phew! So glad you're there! How many hours ahead of us are you now? I know there used to be a clock on the blog, but I don't see it any more. Gotta know when to be praying for you! (That's all the time, of course, but it's fun to know the specifics too.)

    Loved getting to read Spencer's update! I'm sure that blessed your hearts too. Love you guys!

  7. Hi! Welcome to Kyiv! Can't wait to meet you! Do you know where your apartment is? Hopefully we can meet up soon! I'm racing Sherry to comment first :)

  8. Welcome to Kyiv! I live near the Loraines and I'm not too far from Michelle Zoromski either, so let's all get together! :)

  9. enjoy your peanut butter but dont pack it in carry on on the return. they took my peanut butter away in chicago! I left ukraine with it, went through germany with it, and into chicago. but couldnt carry it from chicago to minneapolis. whatEVER! it is NOT LIQUID! we just returned from there so I know the exhaustion you speak of!

  10. So happy that you made it safely. We will continue to pray for your adoption journey.

    God Bless,
    Amy Land

  11. Do you know any landmarks you are near in Kyiv?
    We stayed near Victory Square. There is a Mcdonalds in the circle. If you face the angel, to the right, there is a two story building and internet cafe' in that building. If you go to the corner of the bank building and turn right, you will see another McDonald's across the street. Then, there are 3 arches with stairs. Behind those arches is the BEST Ukrainian food ever! It is a buffet style place and VERY CHEAP
    We fed 3 for about 8 american dollars. They had numerous salads, soups, and even Chicken Kyiv!
    Nothing like Chicken Kyiv in Kyiv! :)

  12. Oh, Julia! So glad you are there! Praying for your appointment, God's peace and his presence throughout.

  13. Im so glad youre there! Im so excited! Sorry for the air sickness, but thankfully thats over for awhile... Oh Im soooo excited for you!!! Praying

  14. yay!! I am so excited and happy for you all! Glad to hear you made it safe and are settled. Praying for you all!

  15. So glad you're there. I know you must be exhausted! Rest as much as you can. Soooo excited for you :)

  16. Welcome to the Ukraine! :0)



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