
Friday, July 23, 2010


     We left our apartment at 3:00 am this morning (Aaron's time) and have been traveling all day.  We arrived in Philly tonight (US time - trip took about 23 hours) and discovered that they had overbooked our last flight for Richmond. They only had two seats for the three of us.  Dear exhausted Elijah was bumped from his seat!  We couldn't leave him behind so we are staying at the Ramada Inn and tomorrow morning we will fly home.  It is hard to find humor in the situation.  We are tired.  It's been a hard, emotional day.   The only joy in leaving is that we get to see Ben (when we EVER get home).  We are now out of Aaron's time zone...something we didn't want to happen.  We were told before we left that our facilitator (Luda) and the lawyer (Serge) will be appealing our case to a higher court next week.  Apparently they have decided not to wait for things to be resolved in the village.  As always - please pray that God will melt this mountain that stands before us!


  1. I am so very sorry this has happened to you guys. Please know we are on our knees for you, praying this gets resolved quickly. Also, that the new financial needs for additional travel will be met quickly and easily!

  2. I hope they gave you three international tickets back to Ukraine for bumping you off the flight! A mere hotel room does not seem like much at this point....keeping you in prayers and including your team in Aaron's village. Much love, cathy

  3. Oh that is so not fun! :( I am so sorry.
    We will continue to hold you in our prayers.

  4. Oh ugh! And double ugh! Hoping you'll be home tomorrow and that all of the stuff back in Ukraine will get settled QUICKLY!!!


  5. I will continue to pray for this situation. I am wondering how Aaron is responding to you. I am also wondering if this time away from you will make him miss you, and that it will help him make the decision to let you adopt him. (That felt so strange to write.) I also hope that the people there will be working with him to make him understand what is going on. God knew this was going to happen, and He is in total control.

  6. Praying that God's plan is revealed and His glory shines all over your famly! Stay strong, friends. If God is for us, who can be against us?

  7. I wish I had known you were so close, I would have picked you up and driven you home! Things will work out-in the meantime, try to get some rest.

  8. I do hope you're home now. I am just so sorry for you all. Rest. Rest. Rest - physically, emotionally, spiritually.

  9. It's hard to read these words without crying. Adoption is a battle from the moment you sign the first papers to the moment that child is in your home. You are on the front lines and your story is a sword, piercing the enemy. Praying, Julia, that God would give you and your family strength for this next leg of the battle. Praying with great expectation. I can't wait to see him on Virginia soil.

  10. I'm so sorry all of this is happening. Praying that all of the details will be worked through quickly and that you will soon be able to bring Aaron home!


  11. You can be glad Serge is on your side!!! Praying for his success in appealing this on Aarons' behalf. Here for you if you need me.

  12. Trusting, trusting, trusting! Move, mountain, move!!!!!


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