
Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Today was hard.  We drove all day in a hot car, first to the region where we will have court tomorrow and then to our village.  We were allowed to see Aaron this afternoon but it was not the sweet meeting for which we longed.  At the last minute we were accompanied by the social director here to see how he related to us.  She has to give testimony tomorrow about our relationship with him.  To say that scared us silly is putting it mildly.  We were both in tears waiting for Aaron and everyone was watching what would happen when they brought him into the room.  It was not the best presentation.  One look on Aaron's face and we saw how devasting the last month has been for him.  He would not make eye contact and was just overall unresponsive. He fought the tears as I hugged him, kissed him and soothed him.  It took us a good thirty minutes before he would make eye contact.  Fortunately the director left us in peace and our facilitator gave us space and by the end of the visit we were relating better.  We even heard some laughter and he waved goodbye when we left.  It will take him a long time to trust that we will not abandon him again.
      On top of that emotionally charged meeting, we have had major discussions all day with our facilitator about our preliminary court tomorrow.  We are in uncharted waters with this judge and every word we speak matters greatly.  She is very concerned that we make a good presentation.  We 'tried out' several answers to possible questions and kept hitting landmines.  For most courts, our answers would normally be fine but for us, we have to be very careful in our wording.  Needless to say, we covet your prayers.

     The one bright spot in a very exhausting day came when our facilitator (Luda) told us that a few weeks ago, she had accompanied another family to Aaron's old orphanage as they were looking to adopt a child there.  Luda did not realize it was his orphanage.  The director there somehow knew that she was facilitating our adoption though and asked her about Aaron.  At first she didn't know who the director was talking about.  Suddenly the lights went on and she realized that the director was asking her about Aaron.  What came out brings a healing balm to my spirit tonight as we face a tough day tomorrow.  The director told Luda that they had been so upset that Aaron had to be transferred out of there.  They truly loved him and considered him a very bright, special little boy.  They (the staff at the orphanage) had prayed that God would send a family for Aaron. 

     As we wade through the murky waters, we hold on to those whispered prayers from those who first loved our little guy.  God heard.  He IS going to walk us through this process.  So we hang on for another day.  Because of issues with SKYPE the boys have not been able to contact us today which makes my Mommy heart desperate.  More prayers in that regard would be appreciated.


  1. Thinking of you Julia. Sounds hard, and emotionally draining. BUT YOU CAN DO IT! God wouldn't have sent you on this journey with out preparing you for it!

    Aaron will understand in time about the seperation, but I know that must be hard on you seeing his response.

    I'm praying for you!


  2. O God, you will keep in perfect peace those whose minds are fixed on you; for in returning and rest we shall be saved; in quietness and trust shall be our strength.

    We are standing with you Julia and Rob in faith and trust, and we pray specifically for SKYPE to work soon, for Aaron to know that you love him and you did not leave him on purpose, and that the judge hear with her heart, as well as with her mind, and make all determinations in his glorious favor.

  3. Praying God's wisdom and strength as you go to court. God's favor for you and Aaron!

  4. Praying for you!!!!! Praying for your boys!!!!

  5. I have prayed for God to give you exactly the right words and calmness for your court date tomorow. He knows just what you need to say.

  6. Deep breath as I try to figure out what to say.

    I love you guys. I was moved near tears by this post, as I was sitting in the foot doctor's office. Aaron will understand, in time. You did what you had to do.

    And I have full faith in your ability and in God's ability to do this. Just keep swimming, as they say in Finding Nemo.

    Love you guys so much and I am praying for you!

  7. Julia, we're praying for a smooth day for you all tomorrow, and for sweet little Aaron to realize that you are there for him and that you'll never have to be apart again. I'm so sad that he is sad. God bless you and give you peace and the right words to say tomorrow. Love you!!

  8. Praying for you Julia. For the right words and thoughts, and for a softening of their hearts...

  9. Prayers for all of your hearts- that the judge has an open heart, that you have a peaceful heart, that Aaron has a healed and trusting heart ready to receive love.

  10. praying for you. It will be ok. It has to be.praying for peace to soothe your stressed mind :)

  11. I've been following along quietly. Please know that many, many people are thinking of you and praying for you, Aaron and the kids at home. Be well, Nalle family. xoxox

  12. Once again, I'm in tears reading your post. I'm so sorry for the hurt all of you have experienced.

    Praying for God to continue to hold you close! Praying you would all know how much you are loved. Praying for precious Aaron that his heart would heal quickly. Praying for your court appt too. Praising God for the work He has done and is going to do!

    Sending you big hugs!

  13. To God Be The Glory in all things. You are blazing a trail my friend and unfortunately that means getting banged up along the way as you clear the thorns and weeds away for others to walk down this path to adopt more kids out of this facility!

    Praying for Aaron's sweet heart to re-connect with his Mom and Dad!

  14. Praying that the Almighty Father who stopped the tongue of the Judge in our region, and kept him from asking the questions he "ALWAYS" asked that our facilitator said that being answered truthfully (something we felt strongly about due to our religious convictions) would stop our Dd's adoption, will also intervene on Aaron's behalf!! HE IS ABLE!!! Praying hard in Ohio . . .

  15. On my knees in prayers for you all!

    God bless,
    Amy <><

  16. Praying that court goes smoothly and that Aaron will be at peace and warm up soon!

  17. I am praying for you right now, and praying that court goes well.


  18. I know how you must feel, I will pray hard that everything goes smoothly in court. Praying for this whole process to be over soon and Aaron will be home with you where he belongs. I know how hard it is to be away from your children.

  19. I am praying for you, and for little Aaron. "Be still and know that I am God" Psalm 46:10

  20. I'm awake. I can't sleep. I'm thinking of you guys and praying.

  21. I have prayed as Carol did and also that the judge will facilitate Aaron's adoption by you. God does know just what you need to say, how to calm you, and how to help the judge see what is best for Aaron. Trust in Him.

  22. Just thought of some promises for you!

    "Do not be afraid of their faces, For I am with you to deliver you," says the LORD. Then the LORD put forth His hand and touched my mouth, and the LORD said to me: "Behold, I have put My words in your mouth." Jeremiah 1:8,9

    "Now therefore, go, and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say." Exodus 4:12

    You are on God's mission to save one of his precious children. Keep trusting Him -- He keeps His word!

    Praying for you!

  23. Praying, Julia. Praying and trusting God to hold you close as he redeems Aaron into your family.

  24. Praying for you and Aaron. God bless, Jennifer

  25. We are praying for you! The Lords purposes will prevail. May you rest in His hand and with every word you speak be the word the Holy Spirit placed. Bless are not alone.

  26. julia, email me if you can.

  27. Julia
    You are all in my prayers, I have added your family to my prayer group as you enter uncharted territory. The Lord has sent you on this journey, he will not leave you.

  28. Praying! Bless your heart. We were the first ones in our orphanage and court as well. It is hard but hopefully many others will follow your footsteps. It breaks my heart to read your description about him feeling abandoned and not getting to Skype your other kids.


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!