
Monday, August 2, 2010

....some news....

     We got a little bit of news.  Our facilitator met with the judge today.  Adoptions are completely new in this area and the judge told our facilitator that she needs more time to consider and review the case.  That means that we will wait another day before she decides what she wants to do.

     All we can do is storm heaven.  Pray not only for this adoption and our precious child, but that the floodgates would be open and other children in Aaron's institute would be brought into loving families.  There are children that are even now being listed on Reece's Rainbow because the door has finally been opened.  As soon as we get through court and are safe on the other side, I will be doing everything in my power to get those children into families.     Until we get to that point, I will let other blogs post the new children and tell their stories.  On top of the new little boys being listed, there are several Christian ministries in Aaron's country who are now working to gain access in that institute in order to bring hope and help to the caregivers and the children.

    So pray.  Pray that God will do a mighty and amazing act in Aaron's world.  Pray that he will no longer be waiting, looking out the window for his Mama and Papa to return but will be in our arms and in our home.  Pray for the judge that she will agree to hear our case and will extend to us a court date.  Pray for the 130+ boys in that institute.  Pray that our God will do a work that is more than we can even imagine!! 

Ephesians 3: 20-21

  Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! Amen."


  1. I blogged about Isaiah 45:2 today. Praying God breaks through any barriers and makes the rough places smooth, so that you can get back to Ukraine and get your boy.

    Jenn in Georgia

  2. Amen and Amen. Will continueing to pray for you all.

  3. Thanks for letting us know so we can pray specifically.

    God Bless,
    Amy Land

  4. Praying you hear something soon!!!

  5. Praying for your little boy and your family. :)

  6. Praying for so many things- that the judge will give you the date (and soon!), that the other kids will find families, that you are able to be a stepping stone for other families looking (or maybe not, but luckily stumble upon a situation) for a child to adopt. You are doing great things for this region and our prayers are with you!


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