
Monday, August 23, 2010

Voice of Hope

We leave this morning.  I can't begin to put into words the emotions running through my mind.  We are crossing the ocean to bring home one little orphan.  One of the "least of these."  We have a picture of Aaron from when he was first listed for adoption.  He was tiny.  His picture was taken and a file was created to show he was available to be adopted.  Then his file was set aside. It sat in a dust heap along with thousands of other files of other children like him.  Set aside because the children in those files were considered 'unadoptable'.  Who would want them?  These files contained children with Down Syndrome, HIV, cleft palate, blindness, arthrogryposis, aperts and much much more.  No one thought they were wanted.  When they reached the age of 4 or 5, these unwanted children were transferred to institutes where they would live for a few years and then die. 
     But God, in His grace has heard the cry of these abandoned, discarded children.  A number of years ago, through the birth of a special little boy here in the United States, Reece, a ministry began that has become a voice for the unadoptable.  And files all over the world are being discovered.  They are being dusted off and slowly but surely, God has begun to raise up an army, His church, to bring those children into homes.  Aaron is just one of those hundreds and thousands and millions of children.  We would never have known about him but for the ministry of  REECE'S RAINBOW.
     So this morning, I want to pay tribute this ministry.  It is a cry for life here in our country for all the unborn who are systematically aborted because they are considered 'damaged goods', and it is a voice of hope for the abandoned, special needs children in the world who are desperately in need of families to love them.
   Our prayer, as we journey to bring Aaron home, is that we will be a voice of hope to the Lost Boys in Aaron's insitute.  We desire to be a testimony and witness of God's faithfulness, love and compassion for the "least of these."


  1. Very sweet tribute Julia! I am so happy that you are going to get your son! Prayers for your family! We are also fellow RR friends!!!

  2. What a beautiful post! We are praying for you as you go bring him home and in your way shake some of the dust off those files! God is good, His Love endures forever!

  3. Safe travels!

    I am also in awe of the work that Reece's Rainbow is doing in saving the lives of HUNDREDS of children! Truly amazing. So many families have been blessed by this organization.

  4. Beautifully stated and wrapped in intense love! Thanks fro sharing. We are praying.

  5. You made me cry. Beautiful. Praying for you. Praying for Aaron and for the court session to go smoothly from here on out. Can't wait to see Aaron at home.


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