
Thursday, September 23, 2010

Again we need prayer...

We thought we were home free. We are not. US immigration never sent our approval to adopt to the embassy here. It has never happened before. We have the original but IT DOESN'T COUNT. They need the approval through an e-mail or fax from immigration. We are sick on our stomachs. The embassy is closed tomorrow so the only hope is if they can resolve this today and it is highly doubtful. We are stuck. Scared. Frustrated. Deeply tired.
Aaron is doing well. We finished his medical. We are left to pray once more...


  1. I wish I could believe you were kidding. At least it's through email and fax (and not the way they do things here.) I'll pray that it will get resolved TODAY!!

  2. Praying now. However hoping it has already been resolved.

  3. Julia,

    So sorry but praying for you all. I tried your cell but could not connect. I'd love to meet and got directions from Niko so just let me know a time. Blessings.


  4. God has gotten you this far, he will see you home with Aaron.

  5. Will say a prayer for you all !!!!!

  6. Don't worry! You will be home soon, your prayer warriors are on it! You all have been so good about maintaining a sense of humor, use that last little bit of purposeful funny to get you though this final glorious showing of his amazing power to right wrong - even paperwork errors in the face of desperation...and it all comes down to an email (that's kind of funny and ironic as it was an email that started all this right - when you emailed Andrea:)...there has to be some sort of ironic humor in that:) Could you take this time to show Aaron his country? who knows when he will return, is there anything fun to do there tomorrow if you are still waiting? The email/fax WILL arrive, you have already claimed that V so now it is time relish and enjoy this little boy's company (sans walls or locks or boys home people) who has captured so so many hearts all over the world:0 *hugs*

  7. Prayers for STRENGTH... Here is another faith building moment. May the Lord calm your hearts, and give you peace. What an ordeal. However, He already knew.... The waters WILL Part! And you will walk through on dry land.

  8. Prayed!! Your story touches me to the core. I have been praising God for what He is doing in your life and in Aaron's life ever since I read your story yesterday morning. Thank you for letting me see God at work in your life. I know you will be home soon because it is God's will that you raise your son. He answered the prayers of Aaron's godmother by sending you. If we all will respond to God's calls so obediently, how different the world could be! There are more children who need to be rescued. Praying God will send more rescuers. Not everyone is called to adopt but we are all called to do something.

    Keep the updates coming!
    Your friend,

  9. oh goodness! You'll probably never want to travel again once you get home!!

    Praying for a quick resolution to this!!!

  10. Hopefully, a fax or e-mail can be done quickly! Like, maybe seconds or minutes!
    We're praying!

  11. Bring them home, Lord. Bring them home.

  12. Praying, Julia and Rob. Can we call/go to immigration from this end and make any difference?

  13. You are on my heart today and I hope you find that tomorrow when you wake up you have everything you need to make your flight. having the big time difference means that while you are supposed to be sleeping someone here may actually be working...then again it IS the government....JK!! Prayers lifted in your name today for a miracle. I remember when I used to go see the Grateful Dead we would say Miracle ME when we needed a ticket to an impossible show...wonder if it works now that I know what a miracle actually is:) BTW, it worked then too, I just didn't understand it as much. Now that I do understand it, Julia, it does happen. Remember God is God and now we are gratefully alive because of that. Back to my housework, cathy

  14. I am praying now. hang in there!!!!!!

  15. Ooo Julia...I am praying for you....Enjoy the special time with Aaron... :)


  16. Ugh! We'll be praying! If you end up spending the weekend in Kiev, maybe Aaron would like to go see the huge Rodina Mat statue and the tanks and military vehicles around it. After all, we know he loves his trucks!

  17. Anyone we can call for you? A congressman?

  18. Incredible. Hope it gets solved soon!

    At least you have Aaron with you!

  19. i know how heart sickening this makes you feel..when we adopted our sons from estonia we had the same thing happen to us..a simple email will fix it ... just remember God is in control and He hasnt let you down yet....God bless and keep you safe

  20. I'm praying for you guys!! I hope all goes well and that lil Aaron comes home with you guys soon!

  21. Praying things happen fast and know His strength will not fail you. This will soon be behind you..literally by 1,000 of miles.

    ((((Big cyber hug))))

  22. So sorry to hear about the embassy problem! I'm sure it is disheartening to come up against another roadblock. We serve the God for whom nothing is impossible. Take courage, He has worked so many miracles in this adoption so far! He provided funds, and changed the judges heart. This last hurdle (I hope it's the last!) is not too big for Him to handle. Keep trusting -- He'll see you through!

    I'm praying that any delay in getting home will be very short!

    Pam K

  23. I'm so sorry and we are praying that the email came today. I hope you won't be there to take us up on it, but the Clarke's and I will be heading to Kiev Saturday morning and we'd love to meet up with you while we all wait. My email is
    Kim (adopting Grace)

  24. It is amazing how quick thing change when a senators office become involved. Praying it is fixed quickly.

  25. Praying for a quick resolution! Aaron looks so unbelievably happy in the most recent pictures you have posted! You truly were designed to be his mom and dad, and he is your son.

    Praying from Minnesota!

  26. Julia and Rob, I am not sure what the time is where you are and what you know, this is exactly what happened with Sergio in Nicaragua, a long six weeks and INS had not sent their approval at the end. I had my original and they did accept it but for some reason Heidi had to fax all of our bank statements for a was a mess and we sat there and watched the whole pile of faxes come and they didn't look. I say all this to say..I am with you girl!! I am going to pray and pray. I am sure you are sick about it, but its Satans attempt to thwart your escape. Something WILL work out!!! Hang on and fight for it with all you have left in you!!!

  27. We will be praying for you--
    could you contact your congressman?
    I don't know why it has to be so hard (adoption)...we faced so many trials/delays on ours as well but God is faithful and He will accomplish His will. So glad Aaron is with you and we pray it can get resolved very soon!
    We are really hoping to get to meet your family --we move to Richmond area the beginning of October.
    love, the Adamsons

  28. It seems God wants us on our knees a bit longer...

  29. Julia and Rob, I have been following your blog for several weeks and have been so moved by your faithfulness to the Lord and devotion to Aaron. He is such a beautiful boy! I pray your current glitch is quickly resolved and you can go home to your older sons. I see you may be meeting up in Kiev with my daughter, Kim Dean. I had so hoped you would cross paths. I know she would love to be able to consider you three as friends! Best of luck to all of you and God Bless.

  30. Dear Julia,

    we have been through a seemingly endless adoption in UA this summer too! I know how exasperating and scary this procedure can be and how desperately one just wants HOME!

    But you never know - God might have a plan for you with all this stupid delays. Maybe He will use them for his own plans. I will pray that this seemingly endless and useless waiting will contain some huge blessings for you all and for others that you come across over there.

    Keep your eyes open for anything that God might want to show you during your final days of the long run.


  31. Praying, praying, praying....

    When I started reading I was going to say, "just tell them you are from Mexico" but, I guess you already thought of that...

    I am so sorry.


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