
Saturday, November 20, 2010


     We've been so blessed over the last 10 months to have been spared from unkind comments on our blog.  Reading our comments has always been a fun activity for our entire family.  We love all the stories, verses, words of encouragement, prayer requests and other reflections that have been left for us to read.  We have loved getting to know so many of you through the comments.  Your hearts, your struggles, your  journey's.    While we were in Aaron's country they were a lifeline to us.   Each word from every reader helped remind us that we were not alone over there.  Over the last two months, since we have been home, the comments have helped to ease us back into life on this side of the ocean.  We have made so many friends through the comments left on our blog.  It has truly been a pleasure to read each and every one.

It was bound to change and in the last 48 hours, we have discovered what many blog writers have already faced on their blogs.  Unkind remarks, accusations and threats.  It caught us off guard.  It hurts.  It feels like a kick in the gut.    We find it interesting that after 10 months of writing - we have been hit by not one but several really nasty comments - all in the last few days.  Being threatened is a bit shocking.  I'll be honest, it makes us want to cut and run.  Neither of us like controversy.  We tend to avoid conflict like the plague. But God opened our eyes a few months ago and we cannot stop advocating for those who don't have a voice.  So, though we feel a bit battered, we will continue to post, advocate and encourage.  We will continue to prayerfully consider every word we write so that it is uplifting, encouraging and God-honoring.   And we will continue to stand for what we believe is right.

I Corinthians 15:58 - "Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain."


  1. Oh dear. Now I really feel badly that I read your blog on a reader and don't come over to comment! I do read every word and always, always, always thank God for your heart, your words and your deeds. Of course when God is using you the enemy will push back. I still hate hearing that it has happened and hurt you. I'm glad to know that you see it for the spiritual battle that it is and are continuing to press on. Hugs to you all!!!

  2. These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world, ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 KJV) This verse reminds me all the time that love has already won, no matter what happens. Let that be a light to shine on those dark comments. They can try and hurt us but God has already poured the blood of Christ on our wounds. We love all of you, concentrate on the good, nuture that seed, don't give any thought to those bad comments, all you are doing is watering and nuturing a bad feeling that shouldn't have been planted in the first place.

    Love wins,
    Renee Tam

  3. Oh, Julia...I was just telling my husband last night what a powerful writer you were, and how I felt like your posts about the Lost Boys would help find families for those boys. Keep writing what you feel convicted to write.

  4. I've been following your blog for sometime is such a pleasure to see your journey unfold...your family is an inspiration to those of us beginning the journey! It is such a shame that there are those with closed hearts and mean spirits out there that have nothing better to do than spew their hatred on other people's is cowardly and disgusting! Hold your head up high and know that there are many more of us who are inspired and touched by your advocacy and honesty! A quote I just came across today that I felt empowered by in dealing with our own attacks against our adoption sounds perfect for your situation too....Do not let the behavior of other's destroy your inner peace." ~Dali Lama

  5. Oh my goodness gracious, I am soooooo sorry! I hate that this happens, but it sure does. It's the nasty side of blogging. People who have nothing better to do with their lives than sit and find people to attack. I have had more than my fair share over the years. At first, it hurt. Now, I say, "whatever!" You must be doing something right for them to be messing with you. God will fight your battle. Just DO NOT STOP sharing your voice here. That will give them the victory.

    Keep on keeping on, friend.

  6. Dont Change a thing...PLEASE! You are right...CHURCH WHERE ARE YOU???You are right!!! Keep going julie, keep saying whats on your heart...forget them if they dont understand,I do! And I need you to keep telling your story, your heart! God Knows!

  7. So sorry this has happened. It seems to be happening more and more. Supporting you in your stand. Hugs

  8. I am sorry to hear that people have been unkind. I regularly read your blog, am often inspired by your words and would never think of writing anything but praise for what you are doing (in the advocating for children and in the raising of Aaron). Please know that your words are impactful in a positive way and that a few horrible apples will NOT ruin this bunch.

  9. Oh, Julia! Keep advocating for these precious children and praying for those who persecute you. It really makes me sad and angry that people can be so cruel. It truly is mind boggling, and it really shows the state of man's depraved souls. I have so enjoyed watching your journey unfold and my heart is touched by seeing how passionate you are for the boys left behind. Big hugs!

  10. That's awful! Satan knows how to attack, but you all are stronger, and God is bigger! People just have to much time on their hands. Praying for you all!

  11. Wow! I'm shocked! I can't believe people would write hurtful things to you. I read all your posts and am blessed every time I do. Stay encouraged. There are more of us out here that support your writing than those who don't. Love to you!


  12. The first verse that came to mind was Matthew 5:11.

    9: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.
    10: Blessed are they who are persecuted for the sake of righteousness, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
    11: Blessed are you when they insult you and persecute you and utter every kind of evil against you (falsely) because of me.
    12: 10 Rejoice and be glad, for your reward will be great in heaven. Thus they persecuted the prophets who were before you.
    13: "You are the salt of the earth. But if salt loses its taste, with what can it be seasoned? It is no longer good for anything but to be thrown out and trampled underfoot.
    14: You are the light of the world. A city set on a mountain cannot be hidden.
    15: Nor do they light a lamp and then put it under a bushel basket; it is set on a lampstand, where it gives light to all in the house.
    16: Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father.

  13. I'm so sorry that people feel the need to post unkind words. Keep up the work you are called to do. You are supported!! Happy Thanksgiving!!

  14. Sorry to hear is so sad. I don't comment often but read every post. I have been so blessed by your adoption of Aaron and your desire to advocate for other orphans.

    There will always be someone who will be critical especially in this forum. But it is well worth the risk..thanks for standing up for those who are defenseless.

    PS I can't stand conflict either!

  15. Oh, they are probably coming from the same group of people (who are all connected to the same blog) who for the past 3 months have been commenting on my blog. And, they all comment within 3 or 4 days of each other. Don't even bother giving them the time of day. I don't mind having a DISCUSSION with people about adoption, and their opinions of it. But if people are going to be rude, and attack? NOT EVEN WORTH THE TIME IT TAKES ME TO HIT DELETE!!!

  16. So sorry to hear this, but so happy that you have decided not to let these attacks stop you. Your blog has been a source of inspiration for so many, and I know that what you have seen in your journey is meant to be shared.


  17. I'm sorry that this has happened, but I guess there'll always be the opposition.
    I don't know if I've ever commented, but I've followed your story and I loved every post!
    Keep following what's in your heart!

  18. Just delete the messages as soon as you see them. People think they can say anything on blogs because it is anonymous. You cannot take any of it personally. All of us 'regular folk' enjoy your blog and are inspired by it.

  19. What kind of sick and twisted person would attack a precious soul like you, Julia, who advocates for the helpless!! So sorry!! Be encouraged the Allen's support you 100%. We were messed up by what we saw in Aaron's country as well,while adopting our daughter. Except you saw the worst of the worst at the instiution. I can't imagine the pain you now experience from what you saw there. I was broken hearted by the little ones at a nice baby house. I can't imagine what shape I would be in had I seen the things you can't even bear to talk about. God chose you for a reason and you are honoring Him in all your words as you do what His Word says, "To do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, That the man of the earth may oppress no more". (Psalm 10:18)

  20. hi. Dont think Ive ever posted a hello before. I have been reading your blog for a few months, Im so happy for you and for Aaron. I figure nows a good time to say hello, maybe enough of us good guys can counteract the bad ones. hang in there!

  21. It means that you are making a difference and the enemy does not like it. Even though it is difficult just remember when the attacks happen that you are on the right path. Because if you were not doing what God has asked of you and making a difference for Him then Satan would not bother to attack. Yours is one of the many blogs that have really touched my heart. I am glad to see you putting the truth out there.

  22. I've never commented before, but I just want to say that I find your blog convicting and inspiring. When I start to think wordly calling again. Thank-you for what you do, thoughts about how it doesn't make sense for us to adopt and how much easier it would be not too, I read what people like yourselves have to say, I see Aaron's sweet face and hear God putting yoursef out there, for being a voice.

  23. I am so sorry that some cowardly people with nothing better to do with their day attack people on blogs (they would probably NEVER dare do it to your face!). I've never understood it - why on earth read things just to fire yourself up. If they don't like what you are writing about, they are certainly welcome to exit the blog.
    I don't know you all personally but I love reading your posts. I think you are brave and amazing people who have allowed the things that break the heart of God to break, and change, your own.
    Thank you for your blog! It's like a ray of light in a dark world. Please don't let all the jerks with too much time on their hands get y'all down. Unfortunately there are just some people who need to be mean.
    You guys have often been in my prayers and your posts are such an inspiration.

  24. Thank You for keeping posting, your story is so encouraging and hopeful. Congratulations to your wonderful family. Beth

  25. What???!!! Are you kidding me! Your posts are always full of love and compsion. How could anyone have so much hate or should I say how could someone be so lost in this world that they feel the need to attack people who do such good! I don't get it and never will...My husband always says "they need to get a life"

  26. I'm so sorry this has happened! I think because of you Heath and Brady and also Gavin have a much better chance at finding a foever family! Thank you for advocating for them.


  27. Well, I wish everyone understood your heart and your need to speak out. Sorry you were/are being misunderstood. I look forward to reading your blog everyday. Please continue to write what God puts on your heart. It is a blessing and has purpose.

  28. Ask the attacker how many children's lives they have saved or intend to save. I bet the answer would be none.
    Hang in there and just ignore the ugliness :-)

  29. Ditto every thing every one else has said. The only thing I would add is that recently some families are needing to lock their blogs down or make at least some posts private due to some nut-cases using their blogs to compile enough info to then make false reports to certain agencies . . . please be careful--wise as a serpent and all that--while still speaking out and advocating! Hugs--you KNOW we have your back in prayers!!

  30. What is wrong with people? You and your husband have hearts of gold and deserve nothing but the best for your sweet family. Keep your chin up! You have many faithful readers who love reading your stories. Keep it up!!

  31. Your blog is well written and such an inspiration. Please do not let hardened hearts bring you down. You touch so many, we need to know the things you have seen, the places you have been, and the family you become! Aaron is a beautiful child blessed to be given such a wonderful family.
    Prayers for the enemies that try to bring you down; how sad for them, to have such bitter lives that they must attack others (for their own self-worth, I guess??) God has blessed you with so much, please, keep sharing, because I love to read your posts!

  32. I absolutely love your blog, your writing, and your shared committment to giving a voice to those who have none. Don't let evil stop that voice, dear one! Evil, in the end after all, is already defeated. ((hugs))

    Amblin (from RR)

  33. Not entirely sure how someone could protest raising awareness of children who desperately need homes. People are so weird sometimes.

    and threats? that makes me angry, so I'll stop and breathe for a minute here.

    Blargh, madness! Madness I tell you! Just go hug that sweet boy and ignore the haters.

  34. I just jumped over here from the Adoption Story Blog Hop and am already touched by your family. God has been moving in my heart and your blog is just another testimony to that. We have seven children (four adopted) and I know, somewhere along the line, the ugly comments will come. They always do when you are following God. May God bless your TOTALLY beautiful family!!!!

  35. So sorry you have been receiving bad comments! It's such a shame. I want you to know that I love reading your blog. Your story is an amazing account of God's power. I praise God He used you to rescue Aaron and I pray that many more children will find happy homes through the influence of your story and blog.

    "Blessed are you when people insult you and persecute you, and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of Me. Rejoice and be glad, for your reward in heaven is great; for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matthew 5:11,12 NASB

    Pam K

  36. Good for you! We have had comments before that were awful. It is really unnerving.
    So, we put the moderation thing on, and we no longer accept anonymous comments.

    The nasty comments stopped. But one really caught me off guard. We have a few you tube videos up, and there are an AWFUL comment under one.
    I was shocked.

    I wonder if sometimes they are mean kid pranks, but frankly it doesn't matter. Words do hurt.

    Shake them off and keep on keeping on. :)

  37. I am so sorry to hear that this has happened! I can imagine how horrible this would feel. You and Rob have such a wonderful way of expressing what is in your hearts, please remember that all of us are here, standing behind you and your family. I hope that you never stop writting, and shareing here.

  38. That's terrible.. I'm sorry someone was so unkind.. you are an amazing woman with an amazing family..I've been following the blog for sometime and I've been sad when I don't see an update.. Don't let the negative people get you down :).. I am a mom of AMC child as well.. I love reading about other family's with amcers :)

  39. You are obviously doing something right...God said when we are moving in His will, for His good - there will be those who oppose us. Please don't let those nasty comments stop you from writing. Your blog is such a blessing to all of those who read it!

  40. When men revile you and utter all kinds of evil against you because of Me REJOICE AND BE GLAD for your reward will be great in heaven! You're making the evil one nervous and he's sending out his minions. Unite your anxieties to Christ's most loving suffering on the cross. Thank you for fighting for those who cannot fight for themselves. Judee Albert, Iowa

  41. We will be judged for what we could do and did not. DON'T STOP doing what you are doing. You have seen and heard and you are bringing it to the rest of the WORLD. As a five time adoptive parent from Ukraine, I am thankful for your perspective and your willingness to stir the hearts of those who read it...positive and negative!
    In Adoption, Stefanie

  42. I don't usually comment much, but just had to here. Your blog is amazing. You heart and spirit shine though. Keep on exactly the way you are!


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!