
Monday, January 24, 2011

First Hair Cut

He loves his hair.  Oh my goodness, Aaron loves his hair.  Every day he dips his hair in my direction and tells me that he has hair.  It is such a joy for our little guy who spent his life with a shaved head.  He loves when we wash his hair and he loves when I comb it.  He takes such pleasure each time I work to get his callics under control.  I love to hear him exclaim:  "I have hair!"

It was getting scraggly around the edges.  Too long in some spots.  I told him I needed to cut his hair.  I thought he would be upset.  I thought he would say no and fight.  I was wrong.  Instead he laughed and happily went to get the chair I use for Ben and Elijah and Rob.  He's too little for the chair so I plopped him on the stool and away we went.  He had never had scissors close to his head before only razors.  At first he whimpered a bit but then he relaxed.  Aaron's first haircut.

His hair really wasn't that long but scraggly - definitely scraggly.  There were strings everywhere.  So I trimmed him up and finished off with the razor.  His eyes bulged when I brought out the razor.  He thought I was going to sheer off his beautiful hair. 

No way little man - you get to keep your hair.  It is a mark of freedom for you. 
No more will you look like this:

Instead you get to look like this - Handsome, happy, free!


  1. Absolutely perfect! Andreas loves his hair,too! I can't wait to get my computer working so I can post a picture. His hair is as long and shaggy as all the other 12-yr.-old boys around here. Whenever the older men at church comment on how long it is, I just smile and remind them that orphans have no choice. Since my son, is now free, he can wear it any way he wants.

  2. Love it...handsome indeed. He should be proud.

  3. Such beautiful dimples!

  4. I'm sitting here trying to compose some comment that will tell you how happy it makes me reading this post and seeing these pictures of Aaron, and seeing how our mighty GOD saved him and delivered him into your loving family, but I'm crying and overwhelmed, so I'm just going to say thank you for sharing your journey, and for all of your encouragement for ours. Love you!

  5. Remarkably, I think he looked so much older in the first before pick you posted, you have given that little boy the right to be little, to be loved and to love life. I am so happy for you all. He is a beautiful child, thank you for answering the call and giving him back his childhood.


  6. He looks so handsome! I got an updated picture of the little one we are wanting to adopt, and they had shaved her head. I'm so glad Aaron's home!

  7. What a handsome little man. Love that smile of his. Hugs

  8. Such a handsome boy... can't wait for him to come and play with the twins.

  9. Great job! DO you still use the Noah's ark cape when you cut Ben and Elijah's hair, too? ;)

  10. Yep - I still use the cape on Elijah - it is too tight for Ben so he goes without and fusses the entire time!! LOL!

  11. adorable. toma looks SO much better with hair too, but right now I had to cut it short because he rubs it on his crib tent into terrible tangles.

    But in the future, it's staying a little longer :)

  12. Julia, such a handsome boy, and he looks so HEALTHY! It's wonderful to see!



  13. such a handsome lil man he is!

  14. shaved or hair he is an absolute doll :).. I can't believe you can do their hair lol.. I won't even try it's too scary all though I will shave my hsubands head lol..

  15. Tears...Just reduced to a puddle of tears!

  16. he is beautiful.. you must be one proud mama... truly a blessing from God..

  17. He shines with life. What a handsome boy!

  18. Awe, so sweet! Sasha loves his hair too. He whips his hair around all day with a big huge smile on his face. He loves his hair just like Aaron!

  19. I think my favorite thing about the before and after photos is that he looks younger now than he did in the institution. It's as if he gets to really be a little boy now. God bless you all.

  20. I love that you got to give him his first haircut! and the story about the first time he kissed, oh my, I have two boys, I know how that is, thank you for sharing!

  21. Love it! - Love HIM!!! Sweet, sweet, sweet!

  22. What a transformation from orphan to son. I remember first seeing Aaron on Reece's rainbow and to see him now with you is the most marvelous miracle to watch. Thank you so much for choosing in faith to take this journey


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