
Monday, March 12, 2012

Open My Eyes

The gifts just keep pouring in....

SEVEN more Giveaways have been added to our list.  Honestly, I am blown away by the generosity of people.


We have raised $3,930.00 so far in this Giveaway and 58 people have donated so far!!


Thank you to all of you who donated to the families yesterday.  Please keep pouring the blessings on their heads.  They so very much appreciate every single gift of love.  


Want to know what awaits Bernadette and Harmony if they don't find families??

Break my heart for the things that break your heart, Lord.  Open my eyes to the rampant injustices in this world.  Give me a heart of compassion for those who are desperately in need.

Can you see Bernadette in that room?  Harmony?  Two little girls with Down Syndrome locked away forever? Standing.  Standing.  Standing in an empty room.  They age out in only a few months.  They are UNADOPTABLE after this summer.  

Laurel, Igor, Victoria, Emmitt, Heath, Hanson.... they don't even have the "privilege" of being able to walk around in mindless wandering for the rest of their lives.  They will spend their days laying like this... 

or just sitting in their wheelchairs.  

Open our eyes, Lord, open our eyes.


"A Common Stew for an Uncommonly Good Cause!"



  1. Just sent 10 to sweet Emmitt. Thank you so much for doing this for all these children. You are amazing

  2. That chocolate gift basket looks amazing!!!

  3. Hi there

    This is really great. You are really helping to change the priorities in our house and in our hearts. We have to start small but with love we have given to Maria and family and then to the Booth family for a total of 10.00

    We will come back and give more asap. We think we might have to have a little yard sale or Craigs List sale. Too fun to watch the grants go up and the kids appear on the found or home(or in between) page.

    For your bravery in speaking out. We are moved to action.

    I was adopted(chosen) long ago. My husband and I are very active in the LIFE! fight from the abortion front but to be honest that is a very hard slog and it can be easy to feel like it is a losing battle. We are truly excited to add a "wing" of orphan missions to the priorities of our home because there is so much good news and the more you get involved the more good news there is. I think this will add some good balance to our other endeavors : )

    We sent our best-be in touch again soon!!

    Karen and Jeff Barnes(Ardmore, PA)

    feel free to get in touch if you are ever trying to get the word out about something. We are friends with a lot of people in Martinsville, VA who I think you know through the "adoption community". We lived there for a year and now find ourselves knowing people involved in all this.

  4. Hi there! Thanks for all of your hardwork in putting this giveaway together! I pray that all of the families will get fully funded, and, that the process will move quickly for all of them to bring their children home!

    I donated to Maria, it should come from I could only do $10 right now but I had that in Paypal from some Mary Kay I had sold so wanted to donate it. I have friends adopting from Eastern Europe, Mandy and Marty that are adopting Joseph and Samuel from Bulgaria, another that is adopting a little girl with DS from EE, and a friend that just committed to adopting Sam before he ages out!

    I try to support them all though often I feel like I'm not doing enough.

    I will share your giveaway on facebook and Twitter and see if it'll let me pin it ot Pinterest! Good luck and God Bless!

    Brooke Kirk

  5. These children are beautiful.. Thank you Jesus for the gift of children that make our hearts grow and our selfishness die. You are the creator of all things beautiful and all blessings come from you. Bless this giveaway abundantly and help these families bring their children home!!

  6. Amazing giveaway to help these beautiful children! Thank you Julia! We donated $50 to Victoria and another $50 to Harmony.

  7. Donated $5 to the Heim family & $5 to Harmony, I know its not much but I know God will multiple it. Nice prize additions!! If I win the pick a child I will likely choose Brandi or split it between 2 kids if the donor can do that.

  8. Donated $20.00 to Emmitt. You are never to old to need a mama and he is my boys age.

  9. Okay, so I'm spreading the word about this whether or not I enter myself, but if I can enter myself I want to... so, help me understand. To be entered at all you have to make a donation to Maria, correct? Only after that do you get entered for donations to the other children? And after that you get entered for sharing on facebook, twitter, etc? Is there a specific way we should let you know about sharing? Just in the comments like we do with the donations? A link?

    I can spare a little cash for a good cause, not much, but a little... and I can spread the word so that people I know who want to help but don't know how can help too... hopefully it will have a spreading effect. But I'm not gonna lie, some of those prizes look pretty sweet, and some of them I could use to help these kids even MORE! So I wanna enter and do everything in the right order - just a bit confused about it.

  10. Yes - THE PRIZES ARE DEFINITELY SWEET and YES, you make a donation to Maria (any amount) and that gets you in... Share away and you get extra entries... donate to other kids or families... more entries.... You just need to LET ME KNOW by leaving comments on here or e-mailing me at

  11. we donated to the Heim $100.00 and the Unroe families $100.00.We wish we were able to adopted overseas for now we can't.We are adopting two from foster care. I love reading all the bloggs from reese rainbow.It's wonderful to see all yall do for these kids.

  12. Do donations to a family's chip in count, or just through RR? I donated for Maria, by the way. I want to donate for another family but waiting to find out which way I should do it.

  13. Katie - Yes donations to a family's chip in counts... Just let me know your total amount!!! THANKS!!

  14. Okay, I also donated $10 to the Booth family. I wish I could give more but I'm unemployed and I have to make my tax return last. I'll reply again later tonight and give you links to where I'm sharing about the giveaway and the kids, need to come up with a way to draw people in... not just look at it and say "Oh, Katie's off on her adoption rant again".

  15. I don't know if this counts but I shared on my moms facebook page.

  16. Hi Julia, donated $25 to Heims and $25 to the Menges. Thank you for organizing this wonderful fundraiser...

  17. Leah - It counts in my book!! And my book counts!

    1. Goody, cause my mom usually does not want to be entered but she ocassionally shares the links I post (she barely has time to be on fb!)& she wanted me to share with her friends & told me I can post like 1 link per day so I decided today was for Mulligan Stew!

  18. Donated $18.46 to Maria - will hopefully donate more to another child soon.

  19. Ugh! I've stressed and stewed (no pun intended) over these kids for hours since Friday. My heart led me to Makayla, oh how I wish I could give more, but I gave her and Maria's family both $10. I will do more by the end of the month. II'm going to sell my daughters old prom dresses tomorrow! I've been trying to share twice daily on FB. I even have some friends who said they are 'going" to the event!
    Christina Schye

  20. We have donated 5.00 each to Harmony and Emmitt.

    Karen and Jeff Barnes

  21. I donated to the Heim family and also to the Booth family.
    My total donation was $50


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!