
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Why Was I There?

The other day Aaron came wandering in the office while I was scrolling through the blog looking for a link.  

He saw the picture from my blogpost where he is sitting on Rob's lap.

Our first day at the institute.  The day we first laid eyes on our little guy.

Aaron leaned up against me and stared at his picture.  In a quiet voice he asked me, "Why was I there?  Why?"


How in the world?

What could I say?

I pulled him into my lap and kissed him and focused on the fact that Mama and Papa wanted him, loved him and came and got him.

I couldn't answer his question.

How can I answer a question like that?  How?  How can I tell my sweet little boy the truth?  How can I explain to him the insane reasons for him being there?  He's disabled?  Wasn't wanted?  Was abandoned?  How do I get around those truths?  

My sweet little guy was satisfied with my answer.  He nestled deep in my arms as we looked at the pictures and discussed how we came and got him.  It was enough for that day. A kiss and redirection.  I know it will not always satisfy but for now it is enough.

Why was I there?


There are so many more who ask the same question on the other side of the ocean.  Boys and girls helpless in their situation asking why? Why am I here?  Why?

Would that they had a Mama and Papa who would nestle them deep in their arms and kiss the why away for a while.  Kiss it away with words of love and protection.

Why are they there? Why?


Pryce has been asking that question.

All 4 Pryce

Ever since he was transferred from his baby house to the older children's institute he has asked.  He is in a nice institute but still... he wonders and waits and hopes... For the first few months after he was transferred he cried himself to sleep at night.  Sorrow upon sorrow as he grieved the loss of the only home he had ever known.  Scared and lonely and unsure.  Unable to walk.  Shy. Quiet.  Sweet Pryce.

Little does he know that his world is getting ready to be turned upside down.  For a year now his parents have been trying to get through the adoption process.  It has been a tear-filled, anxiety-laden, nerve-wracking year that they hope never to repeat again but at the end of that tunnel is a little boy. An eight year old little boy, wheelchair bound, shy, quiet and longing with all his being to have a Mama and Papa who will nestle him in their arms and kiss away all his questions.

In just two weeks they leave.  In two weeks Pryce will discover that his longing for a family is over.  In two weeks.

The Burlingham's are still short of what they need to get Pryce.  Thousands short.  You see they didn't store up treasures this last year.  They kept giving.  I know this because I watched them.  I saw their hearts for the orphans.  They supported and helped and encouraged all the families who crossed the ocean and came back while they have sat sidelined.  They worked to raise their own funds while at the same time they worked to raise the funds of all those around them.  They lived out their faith this past year.  Believing that God would provide.  Now the end is near and the need is great.

Will you help them?  Get them over this last hurdle? Will you support them?  Encourage them in the same way they have encouraged so many others?

Encourage them so that one day soon they can pull a little boy into their lap and whisper love and hope into his heart.  You are wanted.  You are loved.  We are here.



And please don't forget to vote today...



  1. Dropped some in their fund... praying many others do the same. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I remember when Isaac asked me why I didn't want to carry him in my belly! So tough- ya know!?

    Praying for all these children.


  3. Praying for him and his family! How did your vacation go?
    The Adamsons

  4. Ouch. That's a difficult one.
    I'd try to be as honest as possible. I'd say something like "your family couldn't take care of you in the way they felt you deserved, so they put you up for adoption so we could take you home."

    I'm not sure I'd say anything about his disability or the institution right now...after all, perfectly healthy kids are put up for adoption. And sadly, the institution is nearly as bad as orphanages in some cases.

    I'd just be careful. My family tried to sugar coat things and in doing so, it made me feel like I was lied to (or not told the truth...dishonesty via omission) when I finally learned the true nature of the situation. That made it worse. But at the same time, you don't want to make him feel bad about his disability or make him feel like he was unwanted, especially at a young age when it's all difficult to process.
    If possible, I'd definitely focus on the fact that YOU were always meant to be his family and I'd try to emphasize that his birth parents pursued adoption because it was part of God's plan and they wanted better for him (vs. "they didn't want you" There's no real way to sugar coat that!)...Unless you know differently, I'd like to believe that was the case! (that they wanted better for him.)
    Such a slippery slope! I'm sorry you and Aaron need to deal with any of this. So difficult!

    I wish you all the best. :-)


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