
Friday, May 10, 2013

A Good Measure

THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who donated to the Tucker family for Darren and Lianne...
They met the $500 match and their total need is now $3,850.00.

Lianne4-cropped darrennov2011-5-cropped
They are leaving TOMORROW.
They are arriving on MOTHER'S DAY!
If you did not donate.... Today is Payday for many of you!! 
Help bring these two motherless babes HOME!
Even though we no longer have a match to meet.... we still have a bucket to fill!!!
"Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap. For with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.”
THANK YOU to everyone who signed the petition!!
For those who are nervous about signing a petition that requires giving your name and address here is another option....
Write a personal letter to your senator using the form AT THIS LINK as your guide.  Sign it and e-mail it to me.  I will forward it to the families who are going to be personally delivering the letters!!  They will print it out and carry it along with all the other letters.
Please do this!! 
These parents are fighting for their little ones. 
They are hoping to carry 10,000 + letters with them.
This is a practical and easy way to help them. 


  1. Thank you for your advocacy for orphans! I wanted to mention that I tried to sign the letter yesterday using my smartphone, and the letter interface isn't mobile friendly -- it wouldn't let me fill out the fields on my phone. So I encourage anyone who usually navigates the web on their phone or tablet to take the time to sign this letter using your computer, instead. It is SO worth it!

    Praying super hard for the Tuckers. God's got this! :)

    - Jennifer @

  2. Jennifer, thank you so much for taking the time to figure it out a different way. All of us who have children stuck in Russia are trying so hard to get thousands of these letters. So far we are at just over 6,000. I will be meeting with Senator Boxer next week in DC and will also be helping to hand out the letters to the other Senators. Thank you again for your help :) And of course, Thank you Julia for all you do.

  3. I signed the petition. Praying it makes a difference!


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