
Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Community Theater

For the last eight years our boys have participated in Community Theater.  Being part of the same group for eight years has meant that we have had the privilege of watching not only our sons grow up on stage, but watching a whole host of other children grow up with them. 

Our community theater group is filled with families who don't just drop their kids off at the door and take off to go shopping.  Many of the parents are IN THE SHOWS.  This makes it fun for both the children and the adults.  The training that takes place as the children watch the adults act and as they interact and teach them is priceless. 

My boys have benefitted greatly over the years by watching and acting alongside some wonderful adult mentors.  They have encouraged our sons as we have encouraged their children.  It is truly a family affair.  I would not trade the experiences they have received there for the world.  
 It isn't Hollywood or Broadway. 
It isn't 'professional.'  Not every actor is 'perfect' in their lines or in their singing ability. Mistakes are made.  No child is turned away from having a part which sometimes makes it downright chaotic!

I do the backstage managing for all the shows so I have the right to say that!!

But it is good quality fun and it has been a wonderful place for my children to grow and learn. 

The show we are doing now is Annie.  Rob and Elijah are in it.  They have several small parts this time around but are still having a blast doing them!  Three sell-out crowds this past weekend... One exhausted ME!!

Aaron didn't do this show because of his surgeries, but he didn't mind.  He LOVES hanging out with the numerous children in the show.  Everyone brings electronics to keep themselves occupied.  Trading games is his favorite part!!

Ben's work schedule didn't allow him to be in the show either.  I have missed seeing him on stage!!!

I stole all the above pictures from different cast members....

Being backstage director doesn't allow for a lot of time for picture-taking sessions!!

Hoping to share some more this next weekend!!

If you live in the Charlottesville area - it is a crowd-pleasing show definitely worth seeing!!  Tickets are going fast if not already gone...

Sharing all of this so you understand a bit why my blog has been a bit neglected....

The show MUST go on!!


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