
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Running Out of Time

Casey needs a family in less than a month!

Is there anyone out there who needs a little ray of sunshine in their lives?
Casey is 15 years old.
He has been locked away all his life.
Please help him find a family.
He has 4,208.00 in his Reece's Rainbow grant account toward his adoption fees.
He has a smile worth a million dollars!!


  1. Thank you for sharing,
    Praying for you....

  2. Oh Casey! He looks so little and fragile. It is hard to believe that he is 15. It's hard not to think about my 14 year old brother who races sailboats, hikes mountains, and plays piano. It is hard not to be angry about what Casey has missed in his life. Instead I will pray that a family discovers him soon and gives him the love and opportunities that he has missed.

  3. Julia,

    Sutter is back on the waiting children page! Any idea what happened? Oh no! Praying as I type this.



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