
Friday, May 24, 2013

Update on Aaron

Quick update on our precious little guy.
His arm is most definitely broken (in two) and the plate that was holding the bone together is bent.  Rob is sending the X-Ray's to Shriner's (overnight) and we will wait to hear from them as to WHEN he will have surgery because there is no doubt that he will have to have surgery.
Yes our hearts are bleeding right now. I'm numb.  Thankful to be at a Christian Homeschooling Convention with people willing to cut me a lot of grace right now as I try to talk about our curriculum with my little boy front and center on my mind.  So many have just stopped and prayed with me.  So glad to be surrounded in that way. 
Rob said Aaron's uncomfortable but not in dire pain which is a blessing.
Thank you for praying.  Thank you for loving our precious little one!


  1. Julia! We will continue to pray for precious, precious Aaron. Bless his heart - we do love him and I hate to hear that he has to go through this.

  2. Oh Julia, you have my prayers. I was still planning to comment on your last update from a couple of days ago (my heart was so sad for Aaron) and now this. :-( Trusting in a good and loving Father to see you all through this time.

  3. Ouch! Poor Aaron :( Will sure pray for him.

  4. Oh not what I hoped to hear. I will continue to pray. Poor Aaron...poor Aaron's sweet family :(

  5. So hard for you Aaron and everyone. Praying God brings some great blessing for your family and Aaron out of this pain.

  6. Please tell him so many people he's never even met are praying for him!


  7. I have been praying since your first post today. Thank you for the update. I will continue in prayer for Aaron and the rest of the family.

  8. Praying, praying. So sorry to hear this news!

  9. Prayers being said for all of you.

  10. Tell Aaron that Bryson and I are praying for him!!! Poor Baby Boy!!! Poor Mama!!!

  11. Oh no!! I'm just catching up on your blog posts and seeing this. Poor Aaron!! Poor you being away from him! I'm praying right now....from the other side of the mountain in Va.

  12. So sorry Julia! We are praying for him too!

  13. So sorry about this accident! Praying for Aaron and all- may God comfort and heal quickly!!! Love kelly M

  14. Julia & family,
    Please know that our prayers and hearts are with you as decisions are made for Aaron's healing. So glad our paths could cross this weekend so I could pray with you. You & your work has been such a blessing to our family.

  15. I can't wait for some better news. Aaron is always in my prayers.

  16. I am so sorry that such an accident had to happen to Aaron! / Milena from Sweden


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