
Thursday, September 19, 2013

Is it Intermission?

I've had writer's blog block today.
I have stared at this empty screen all day and nothing.nothing has come.
What's funny is that I've been writing history related stuff like crazy today.  I researched and wrote about the history of the Maypole.  I did a geography write-up on Sweden.  I wrote about some other cool stuff. 
But in between all that I kept coming back to this empty screen and nothing. 
I ate some my favorite fall candies for inspiration...
But even that didn't do it for me.
I've got nothing today people.
Do they do intermissions in a Symphony????
Maybe that's my problem...
Even so.... 
We are chipping away.
Please won't you take part!!
I added another Giveaway you can enter in and  get extra entries here... Grace Knuth is adopting Tommy and could really use our support!!  So go show her some love and make sure to come back here and tell me! 

WE NEED TO RAISE:  $16,700.00

WE HAVE RAISED:  $6,720.00

WE STILL NEED:  $9,980.00

 Renee and Steve Tam - 3,000 matching grant - Raised $3,384.00 MATCH MET!!!!!

Breaking it Down...
Carla and Paul Dobrovits - 2,500 matching grant - Raised $727.00
Janice and Tim Rowe - 3,700 matching grant - Raised $1,303.00
 Val and Bill Deutsch - 2,500 matching grant - Raised $1,214.00

PORTER - $1,000 + 1,000 matching grant   - Raised $59.00
 BRENTON - 1,000 matching grant - Raised $141.00 -No Donations Yesterday!
DAGMAR - $1,000 + 1,000 matching grant - Raised $36.00 -No Donations Yesterday!
PEARSON - $1,000 + 1,000 matching grant  - Raised $63.00 -No Donations Yesterday! 
GRADY - $1,000 + 1,000 matching grant  - Raised $96.00 -No Donations Yesterday!

The Heroes of this Symphony....THANK YOU! THANK YOU!

Jacquelyn, Tiny, Andi, Cathy, Cathleen, Arnie, Kenlyn, Andrea, Jennifer, Robin, Kim, Guy, Nicole, Christina, Gentry, Theresa, Cortney, Pamela, Laura, Tiffany, Holly, Amanda,  Rebecca, Penney, Sherry, Cheryl, Nancy, Samm, Hannah, Alex, Susan, Jennifer, Amy, Jamie, Leah, Victoria, Debbie, Pam, Robin, Kathryn, Lisa, Tina, Carolyn, Pam, Nicole, Annette, Ivy, Stori, Deanna, Hansini, Elizabeth, Michelle, Trish, Neil, Christine, Katherine, Jennifer, Renee, Janice, Carla, Amy, Frankie, Brooke, Tanna, Christina, Elizabeth, Brooke, Jessica, Christine, Sonja, Sara, Edith, Beth, Beth Ann, Missy, Csilla, Sue, Jessica, Nancy, Tracy, Andrew, Kim



  1. I donated $60 to the Tams for toffee. Not sure if that counts, but if it does, I'm in!

  2. Hey Julia, this is Kim Decker, I donated to the Tams, Deutschs, Rowes, Dobrovits, Brenton, Pearson, Grady, Dagmar and Porter. A total of $170. I will also share on blog and FB! Bless these babes and their families. :)

  3. I haven't had a chance to read any blogs in weeks but I just got a chance to catch up on your posts... I was so moved by each of the families' stories, how could I choose just one?

    Because now more than ever, I understand how hard this journey is...
    Because my son was a mere month away of being transferred to a hopeless institution...
    Because I am watching God redeem a once deemed "worthless" life before my very eyes...

    I donated $10 each to the Deutcsh, Rowe, Dobrovits and Tam families as well as to Pearson, Grady and Porter for a total of $70. I also gave to Grace Knuth's giveaway for Tommy.

    Andrea Gariepy

  4. Hi Julia, I donated $10 to Brenton in honor of Elizabeth over at Keep on Spinning, because he is running out of time, and my heart will break if he's stuck forever.
    Christina Schye

  5. And donated $10 to Hortons, in honor of their sweet girl who has blossomed into a beautiful, LOVED little girl!!

  6. Shared! Blessings, Csilla

  7. I donated $20 to the Dobrovits account today. Hope everyone meets their matching grants!

  8. gave $15 dollars to the taylor family via your website. Emily Streeter

  9. Gave $15.oo to the Dobrovits and $10 to Brenton. Sharing about Brenton now. My heart is crying to God for his family.


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!