
Monday, February 10, 2014

I Rolled My Eyes

Back in August I received an e-mail from a lady who said she did reviews for a magazine (Old Schoolhouse) and wanted to know if I would be willing to give her our Ancient year so she could do it with her children and in exchange she would give us a review.
I will be honest.
I rolled my eyes.
I get a lot of requests from people trying to figure out how they can get free material by offering this, that and the other...
We are a Mom and Pop business.  We are so not flush with cash and giving away hardcopy material is not something we can do without sweating out where the money is going to come from to cover the printing costs.   Hand to mouth living right now!  Hand to mouth.
I didn't respond to the request right away.
I let it sit in my inbox.
A few days later I get ANOTHER e-mail from this same lady asking again and offering to let us send her some of the material in e-book format.
That was better.
I could handle sending her some free hardcopies as long as I didn't have to send the ENTIRE YEAR in hardcopy.
So I mailed off the books and sent the rest e-book and honestly didn't think anything about it.
Because I didn't know who she was. 
I assumed she was just one of many reviewers on the magazine staff.  A little cog in a very big wheel.
I was wrong.
She was the HEAD of the department.
And USUALLY they CHARGE  to review a curriculum.  Much more than what I gave her.
But she wanted to do BiblioPlan with her children.  For a review.
A serious review.
A review that blew us away!
She loved our curriculum.  She is having a blast doing it with her children and last week her review of the year she is doing (Ancients)  came out....
Biblioplan, Year One: Ancients, Ancient and Biblical History from Creation to the Fall of Rome, is one of the most comprehensive and interesting Christian-focused history curricula available for the homeschool community. BiblioPlan, Year One, has every component you could possibly wish for in a history curriculum and then some you might not have thought of!


 BiblioPlan has one of the most thorough and engaging history programs I have ever seen. History is my favorite subject to teach and the one with which I am the most familiar. Because of this, I have seen and used a great many different history curricula. This is one of the very best. The “sweat and tears” put into BiblioPlan and the love with which the authors have poured into the program is evident in the Family Guide, Companion, Family Discussion Guide, and Cool Histories. If you are looking to dig into history, desire to explore the time of the Bible and the fascinating stories of our ancient forefathers, definitely give BiblioPlan, Year One: Ancients, your earnest consideration. Download thesample for Ancients and see if you look any further!
 And all the stuff in the middle made me want to cry.  Good tears.
It is an HONEST review.  She wished for more from our Coloring books and felt our Craft books needed more directions.  That's okay.  I like honest.  It makes it real. She has reviewed a massive amount of curriculum over the years and to get a review like that is rare and sweet. 
It makes all the sweat and tears worth it. 
If you want to read the full review CLICK HERE.
If you homeschool and haven't checked us out... Please do...  If you have questions please ask.  We are Classical, Charlotte-Mason styled, Christian, History rich, Literature rich, Hands on, Engaging, K-12, Family oriented and very very MOM-FRIENDLY (Dad's too)!  We are also co-op and Christian school friendly.  The coolest part of BiblioPlan is that you can have your entire family studying the SAME history together yet doing age-appropriate literature and history work. 
The other cool thing is that we are one of the most inexpensive curriculums out there (which is why we are hand to mouth).  
Check us out.

1 comment:

Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!