
Friday, June 27, 2014

Fatherless Friday

My heart hurts.
The fighting and chaos across the ocean has meant that the lives of scores of children are now in limbo.
One region is closed.  Swallowed up by the bully next door.  The children are now citizens of a nation who cares not a whit for their future or well-being.  A nation willing to use them as pawns in the game of war.
Two other regions now in limbo.
The children inside caught between two political powers.
Israel, whom I yelled about last week is in that area.
Israel, who had a family IN COUNTRY LAST WEEK inquiring about adopting him right after I posted.
Oh my heart hurts for him.
I was in one of those regions in December.
I was in one of the baby houses that has children available for adoption.
I peeked in the door and saw one of those treasures who has a family IN PROCESS and is so close... so close to getting him out AND his sister ...
But war has turned them aside.
They are unable to proceed.
My heart hurts.
All the children in those regions now on hold.
In limbo.
All we can do is pray and grieve.
And we can advocate and give and support those families who are still in process.  While the door is open they are racing forward.
On this Fatherless Friday as we grieve the closed doors... Would you consider helping a family or two or three who are racing through their open doors?  All of these families are in dire need.  Some of these families have matching grants.  All are within days and weeks of getting their babes.
Hudson 2
They are a MILITARY family - Their appointment is next week - July 5th.  Dad is deployed and Mom is in the middle of moving the family.  They are 1,400 short BUT have a matching grant of 700.00.  Please help them get over this last hurdle so they can bring Hudson home!!
Channah (1)
Oh sweet Channah KNOWS they are coming. She ages out soon and the race to get her is going fast and furious.  Her family adopted once and are doing it again so they are completely tapped out!  Please... they are about 5,000 short and HAVE TO HAVE THE MONEY to get on the plane.
Dewberry 2
Surprise Surprise!!  The twists and turns that Nicole and Joe have taken to bring their babes home has been crazy.  They crossed the ocean this time to bring Anthony and Murray home.  Anthony grabbed Nicole's hand and hasn't let go since.  He is now fully adopted and is just waiting for the final paperwork so that he can cross the ocean. 
Photo: Bogdan packed and ready to go to see our friends and meet the ministry team that Mish will be with. :)
He's ready to go!!  No longer an orphan. 
Murray said no.  He wanted to be an only child. 
Break my heart.
But two other children said YES.  A brother and a sister.  The sister 17 years old whose ONLY hope of adoption was through her younger brother.
Nicole could not leave these two behind.
So she is still there and they are just waiting on court.
Nicole Dewberry's photo.
They are short by about 12,000.00.  The loss of Murray's funds, the extra expenses to get their homestudy changed to add on Kristjan and Hannah, the plane tickets and adoption fees for an extra child are enough to make you want to run and hide.  Nicole is down to but a few dollars in her wallet.  It is pretty desperate.
Would you give one more time to the Dewberrys? 
Danny FSP wayne 1
They are within weeks of travel and have a $4,000 matching grant on the table that would be HUGE towards helping them raise what they need.  Danny ages out in another month so getting him now is crucial!! 
 40427100748 Laelia (1)
They are the ones adopting Aubree!!!  I am so beyond thrilled.  They are adding on sweet Laelia and are 12,000 short. They were just submitted and just are waiting for travel dates!!
The need for all of these families is urgent.  The price tag huge.
But we can make a difference.
And right now the door is open.  Two are aging out in a matter of weeks.  One has already aged out and is being adopted by the skin of her teeth.  All are special needs orphans who have no future in their country of birth.  They will spend the rest of their lives behind walls.
Please help a family. Or two. Or five. 
Donate what you can.
It matters.

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