
Monday, June 2, 2014

My Happy Place

The best part.
The very best of my trip to California.
The happiest moment for me.
Walking off the plane... and into Rob's arms.
I spent our 22nd wedding anniversary on Friday night eating a cheesesteak alone and fighting back tears. 
I am so so so so so so so glad to be home.
It is my happy place.
Last night eating homemade soup with all my men around the table - that's pure bliss for me.
California was good. 
It started out hard.
Friday - on my anniversary - it got harder.
But Saturday people finally started finding my lonely little booth and we made sales and built relationships and in the middle of the day I was awarded a very precious surprise...
A sweet lady walked up to me and asked me if I was Aaron's Mom.
Aaron's mom!
Yep.  That's me.
Mom of the cutest dimpled Aaron in the entire world!
I'm Aaron's mom and she's Alyona's mom!!
An RR babe now home!!
They made my day.
And in the end.. after the dust settled and I was on the plane at 11:00 pm on Saturday night squashed between two sleeping seat mates... I had to admit that it was a good convention and I was glad I had gone.
I'm home.
Grateful beyond words to be home.
The Mulligan Stew Giveaway is over.  A whole lot of children are going to be fed because of so many of you!
The Heart Whisperer moved in hearts beyond my wildest dreams.
I was hoping to get names drawn today but in all honesty - I don't have the mental energy at this point to do more than write this blogpost! 
I promise.
For now...
Guess what???
Aaron's tanker is back on sale.

This time you can put the tanker on ANYTHING in the catalogue... shirts of all sizes and all colors, sweatshirts, hoodies, hats, bags and more... 
50% of the proceeds to go to REECE'S RAINBOW.
This starts today and ends in two weeks.
I'm placing my order!!
GO HERE if you want a LIMITED EDITION Aaron tanker!!
Come back tomorrow for the 2014 Mulligan Stew winners!!


  1. I can get one that fits this time! AHHHH! Off to order now! You should warn folks that the ladies' fitted t-shirt runs VERY SMALL!

  2. She is beautiful! And I'm SO glad the tanker is back!!! I didn't get a chance to buy anything last time because we were short on funds but now I can! And I just wanted to say that camp lela sent us a thank you card in the mail and it was a very welcome surprise! I didn't realize they had a blog I can follow with updates from camp.


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!