
Tuesday, January 13, 2015


This morning I called the immigration office to see if we had been assigned an officer yet.  I've called every week for a month now.  When the lady on the phone told me we had been assigned an officer and would I like to be transferred to her number I started shaking. Yes. Yes. Yes. 
Let me just say that our newly assigned immigration officer ROCKS!!  When I asked her how long until we were approved she laughed and said she had already approved us!
We are approved!!
We still need the official paper in our hands, but verbal approval is sweet sweet sweet!
I'll be honest. I'm thrilled we have approval, but I'm not throwing an approval party today.  Every adoption has twists and turns that are scary hard and require huge doses of prayer and clinging.  We had more than our share of them with Aaron's adoption.  So many that I have been hoping that we could possibly get a pass on this one because of it.  But that is not to be.  In the last 24 hours we hit a turn that was a bit shocking to my soul.  I spent a rather sleepless night last night doing a whole lot of praying.  I'm not comfortable sharing at this point but would beg you to please please pray for us as we journey down this road.  I'm clinging and praying to the One who holds both Harper and our family in His loving, tender hands. 
He is good.  No matter what!
As a final aside... I cannot wait until I get to share some really cool news about a sweet boy who has waited way too long for a family. 
He's got one now.
Stay tuned.


  1. You got it! Prayers coming your way!


  2. Can't wait to hear which boy you are referencing!

    Sue H.

  3. Lifting you and your family up in prayer. -Alicia Becker


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!