
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Traveling Soon...

 Check this out... the puzzle has just about disappeared!!
Only our state bird and Harper's state flower are left!
On Sunday church was cancelled as well as Elijah's Aladdin show..
Which meant we had a day to just kick back and relax and rest and do NOTHING.
Okay. It isn't in either of our natures to actually do NOTHING. 
Instead I spent several enjoyable hours writing names on Harper's puzzle.
How utterly cool is that?
Writing the names of so so many kind people.
What a blessed way to spend a Sunday!
 This morning the phone rang.
We have travel dates.
Travel dates right on top of coming home from the South Carolina convention and the same week as the Tennessee convention.  Both conventions where I am scheduled to speak.  There was no possible way for me to get home from SC and get on a plane.  There were not enough hours in the day to be at two places at the same time.
After talking and considering we made the decision to request new travel dates.  It means turning down our first referral (you are given three) and it means we won't travel until the end of March, but we are at peace with the decision.
My stress level just decreased considerably. 
We won't know exactly when we will travel for a week or so but we now have a general idea.  That helps tremendously in planning.
End of March. 


  1. What a rich blessing! God has you covered in His amazing grace! We are looking at traveling the 2nd or 3rd week in April... according to our facilitator.

  2. SO happy for dates that work...getting to keep your commitments...a quiet Sunday at home to ponder it all...reduced stress...God is good!
    I found my name on the puzzle!! How FUN! And what an get to share what is God's to rescue one of His precious ones. We are praying for you and for Harper. She has no idea what's coming to her world...that will feel upside down at first and then settle in to be so very right-side-up. You are all so blessed!!

  3. Very happy for you that you have your approximate travel time and can now plan with peace and glad anticipation. What a blessed girl Harper is going to be - and bless all of you at the same time!

  4. WOO-HOOO!! Praying!! (((HUGS)))


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!