
Monday, May 18, 2015

The Newest Dog Lover

Considering he was rather terrified of the dog even that morning... this was a bit of a breakthrough!

Seriously, how could he not love our Summer-dog.
She is the gentlest soul alive.
I promise I did NOT match shirts. 
Okay, I matched John and Aaron but not Ben and Elijah!
Isn't that the sweetest picture in the entire world???
It made me smile!


  1. Summer has ALWAYS been my favorite type of dog for as long as I can ever remember!! I love you, Summer Nalle!! Check out what made my 19TH birthday today!! I love it!!:

  2. Look at all 4 of them! What a blessing to be all together!

  3. Brought tears to my eyes! Those are two lucky little boys with two awesome big brothers! As the mom of two teens & two littler kids, I know that those two big brothers feel like the lucky ones!

  4. Why yes these. aRE the sweetest pics in the world!!! Talk about Gods plan falling into place!!!

  5. Oh the JOY just OVERFLOWS here!! ((((HUGS))))

  6. The last pic - of your 4 boys - BEST PICTURE EVER!!!!! Like, seriously, EVER! :-)

  7. I am amazed at how much all 4 of your boys look alike. Maybe it is just me but I am positive that these 4 boys were knit together by God looooonnnngggg ago ;). God bless your family and enjoy your boys!

  8. Smiling! And ever-so-happy for you all! Congrats!


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