
Friday, June 19, 2015

Note to Self


I'm having to console myself here in Texas with pictures and telephone calls.

It's not the same.

Note to self.  Don't fly to the Dallas Forth Worth Airport during a hurricane.  You will board your one and a half hour late for departure plane... put on your seatbelt...listen to the 'in case of emergency talk'... then be informed that you might as well take a walk around the airport because your flight has just been delayed.  An hour later you will re-board that same plane and fasten your seat belt... only to be informed that you might as well take ANOTHER walk around the airport because you have just been delayed again.  An hour later you re-board and get to listen to that 'in case of emergency talk' again and hold your breath until the plane takes off for fear that a third walk around the airport would be required.  You will then get to circle the Dallas Forth Worth Airport for an hour or more waiting for an entry into the airport.  You will clap when the plane lands because getting blown off the runaway definitely will feel like a very real possibility during the landing.

I was grateful I had my sweet son Ben by my side.  He kept me laughing and provided a nice shoulder for me to prop my pillow on!  We parted ways in Texas.  He went on to Ontario, California, I hopped on a shuttle for a quick ride to the hotel.  Um.... I take that back. I hopped on a shuttle and sat on that shuttle for close to an hour while the driver drove around and around the airport trying to find more paying riders besides myself.  After 2-3 stops at EACH terminal to no avail... he finally took me to my hotel - all the while giving me a long-winded lecture on his religion, giving me no opportunity to provide any response.  My human, tired and sick of riding in that shuttle self wanted to penalize him for the extra time I spent riding, but I chose grace and doubled my tip.  It's what Jesus would have done.

I'm here in Texas.

Last night I met the sweetest family and a very precious boy.  

They made my trip out here worth it!
I will share more later...


  1. ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ! I feel exhausted !

    grest pics of John working hard...
    And the two playing together...

  2. Enjoying the pics of the boys with you and understanding your plane adventures too...had a few myself in the last 2 months...delayed flights resulting in missed flights...extra and unplanned overnight in Texas (airline did put me in a hotel though!! : ), rerouting to a new city (at my request) then Carrie having a similar experience (but no hotel room : (, then on our return quite the turbulent flight that got us some extra miles credited due to how bad it was!! Life's an adventure...and Thanks for tuning your ears and heart to the Spirit and double tipping your driver...may it be used in his life by the Spirit!! Love you, Julie!!


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