
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Two Happy Bike-Riding Little Boys

It's been raining here for days and days and days....
Rain and rain and rain makes for crazy boys and a really crazy Mama!!
So last night after homework and dinner ...  two little boys went outside to play on their bikes!
The first little boy went riding on a bike that was lovingly built for him several ago by some engineering and physical therapy students at VCU.
The amount of hours that little boy has spent riding that bike has made all their labor worth it times ten!!  It was the BEST gift he has ever received!
The second little boy...
That boy also went riding on his brand new bike that was lovingly donated to him by an organization called Wheels on the James
Oh what a happy little boy was he when he came a home a few weeks ago to find a bike built just for him.  It's a bit big but he doesn't let that stop him from pedaling around the driveway as fast as his arms can go!
Two happy bike-riding little boys.
They didn't care that it was too dark to see outside...
They were just happy to each have their own set of wheels.
And this rain-crazy Mama was very very happy to have them out of the house for a while!


  1. awsome ! They are beaming and radiating joy !
    It would be even greater to see them do ;) what about a little video ?

  2. Thank you for sharing. I think so many of us wonder what adoption looks like, day to day. After they come home, what then? This is the "what then. " People donate, you find new ways to do things, little boys are still little boys. They are precious.


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