
Friday, March 31, 2017

A Change in Attitude

I am a lousy sleeper.  When it comes to a hotel room.... lousy sleeping is amplified times ten. When it's your husband's birthday (yesterday) and your son's birthday (Elijah- today) and you are 9 hours away working a convention in Nashville, TN and they are not with you...well...  I'm sitting here at breakfast feeling rather sorry for myself. 

I'm feeling sorry for myself despite having my oldest with me.

I'm feeling sorry for myself despite a safe trip over here yesterday.

I'm feeling sorry for myself despite knowing that sitting on my counter at home is our completed homestudy.

I'm feeling sorry for myself despite knowing that that completed homestudy is making its way to immigration.

I'm feeling sorry for myself despite finding out this week that one of the Threesome Weesome's family was just submitted and will traveling soon to get him out!!

Do you remember my Threesome Weesome??
Well, Chester has a family and soon... soon... soon.. They will cross the ocean and he will know that he is loved best of all!

That leaves Two Weesomes ...

Byron and Joey.


Two wee little guys from John's institute who are waiting for a family to love them too.

While I am sitting here feeling sorry for myself... they are orphans across the ocean with no one racing to get them.  No one is looking at their pictures and whispering prayers over their heads. No one is plowing through the paperwork and pinching their pennies to bring them home.

No one.


Byron and Joey

I have no reason in the world to feel sorry for myself.

No reason at all.

Seeing their pictures this morning has changed my perspective!!

As I go through my day today... I'm going to be whispering prayers over both their heads that God would move in hearts today for these two boys.

As I go through the day today... I'm going to count the amazing blessings I have.  A husband and a son who get to celebrate another birthday. A finished homestudy.  A little girl across the ocean whom we love best of all.  Four sons.  Four amazing, loud, noisy, crazy, food-devouring, messy sons. 

I'm blessed and I am grateful.

I get to spend the day telling people about BiblioPlan. I love sharing about the work of our hands. I get the pleasure of having my oldest son working beside me. I am comforted to know that dad is taking Rob and Elijah and the little boys out for a nice birthday dinner.  There is a little girl across the ocean... I get to whisper prayers over two little boys...

I truly am blessed.

I am very grateful.


  1. Praise the Lord! Chester's family is coming! (I would love to find out who they are if they have a blog?) And thank you for bringing Joey and Byron to our attention again! We will not stop praying for these sweet boys until they are safely tucked into families, too. We pray for them regularly and remember fondly hugging on them and showing them love before we brought Toby home! Bless you, friend!

  2. Wish I'd known you were in Nashville last weekend - so was I! Sorry we missed each other. Hope your homeschoolers event went well.

    Praying that the "little guys" families find them soon. Such precious little faces...

    Susan (back)in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from U.


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!