
Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Make Me Smile

Have you ever looked at someone and said to yourself, "That has got to be the dullest job on Earth. If I had to do that, my heart would stop beating out of sheer boredom. How does he get through the day without banging his head against his desk?"

This afternoon, we are praising God for people like that. For there are times when boring is better than exciting. Take adoption court, for example. You don't want a lot of excitement there. Far better if no one objects to anything, and the judge just reads out all the reasons why this adoption is in the best interests of the child-- over, and over, and over again.

How you own your home, have a steady job and a good income. How you have adopted from this country twice before, with positive outcomes for the children. How this child was abandoned by her parents, and has never seen them since. How no one from this country has shown any interest in this child. How you own your home, have a steady job and a good income. How you are well prepared to meet the special needs of this child. Did I mention that you own your home, have a steady job and a good income?

Why yes, your honor, I think you did mention that. Sometime when you were reading our entire dossier into the court record-- all 200-plus pages of it! At least you had the grace to read quickly. Our poor translator was often just spitting out the page number when you moved on, and that was just fine.

Yes, boring was just fine today. For when the reading was done, your honor also did a bit of writing. What came out of that Cyrillic word processor was a court decree that gave us our new daughter: Mary Alexandra Nalle!

Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!
Praise Him all creatures here below!
Praise Him above ye heavenly host!
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost!


  1. oh ! so emotional ! At last you have a precious daughter !
    Thank you Lord !

    Rejoicing with you wonderful people!
    With love,
    Tina Grove

  3. The Lord is good to all: and his tender mercies are over all his works. Psalm 145:9

  4. Congratulations! Such wonderful news!

  5. Wonderful! Congratulations! Safe travels for all.

  6. I've never comments before but have been praying all day waiting for this update. Congratulations Nalle family.

  7. Yeaaahhhh!!! Congratulations! She is precious! I am very happy for all seven of you!
    Kate Germany

  8. Praise God - yes I remember that court room scene all too well and the sigh of relief when the readings and signings were done.
    I love the picture of the 3 of you - a mama and a papa and an orphan no more but a beautiful girl who will be spoiled by 4 big brothers. Welcome to Virginia, Mary!!!

  9. Oh!!! This is the post I was waiting for! Praise God, indeed! What a beautiful daughter....tears streaming down my face. How I hope to meet you all one day! Praising God along with you and praying that the next wait period flies by so you can all be home together!

  10. Does Mary know whats going on?
    Best wishes!

  11. Praise God! Love this picture of the three of you.

  12. Congratulations! So thankful for all the abundantly answered prayers - I know all of you are absolutely over the moon today. You all look so happy in the photo.

    Love Mary's full name - especially the "Nalle" part of it! :-)

    Mary's package will be sent tomorrow, probably via FedEx. And yes, I know she's Ukrainian, not Scottish - but I do like plaid on little girls, as you will see ! ;-)

    So happy for this wonderful news.

    Hugs all round,
    Susan in Kentucky
    Cousin to 2 from Mary's birth country

  13. Oh this is such wonderful news!! She will be home in America in no time at all!! I hope she was pleased to see you when you arrived and not angry that you had left her.

  14. Praise God! So very happy for little Mary and all the Nalles. God bless you all!

  15. Congratulations Nalle family! Welcome Mary!! You all look radiant together. Can't wait until the whole family is together!

  16. Wonderful! Joyous! Blessings! Such great news!

  17. Hooray for answered prayers! Congratulations Nalle Family!

  18. THANK You God!!! So glad for your "boring court time" and wonderful outcome!!

  19. Congratulations and praise be to God for answered prayers! Her name is beautiful and so is she! Now praying for you to be able to bring her home quickly!

  20. Congratulations ! What wonderful news. I can't wait to see you finally bringing her home when the time comes

  21. Congrats on your beautiful daughter and wonderful family!!

  22. Oh!!!!! I am sooo happy for you!! Oh what a relief! What a blessing!

  23. Oh goodness! You have a DAUGHTER!!! I've been reading since you went to get Aaron. How things have changed!! <3 <3 <3

  24. Congrats Nalles from us Burketts ! God gave you two xxlarge hearts. :)

  25. Congratulations!

    Sue H.

  26. Julia, I don't comment often, but have been reading since you were adopting John. This makes me so happy ❤! Mary is a gorgeous little girl, and I can't wait to see how she fits in your family! Praise the giver of all good gifts!
    Blessings in Him,
    Bri from


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