
Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Standing Tall and Proud

Cadence and Ronald jumped the $1,000 wall and are moving higher!!  GO CHECK IT OUT HERE. I am doing a sweet little jig here at my desk!! THANK YOU THANK YOU to each of you who gave!! THANK YOU!
Jenni is a little over halfway... She met her 200 matching grant but still needs $412.00 to get over the wall!

On our first day at Mary's institute we had to spend time sitting in the car waiting for our facilitator. Paperwork over there is heavy and time consuming, so car sitting is a rather common occurrence. 
The institute was preparing for the first day of school which is a very very big event over there.
Part of their preparations included practicing for an outside ceremony in front of the main building.
While we were sitting there, one of the caretakers walked by holding the hands of a tiny little girl and a tiny little boy.
I about leaped out of the car when I realized that the tiny little girl was Jenni.
She had a part to play in the ceremony.
We didn't get to see the ceremony, but I was blessed to sit there and watch her practicing from a distance pleading under my breath for the Lord to bring a family for her. She was so well behaved and standing so straight and tall.  Even from a distance I could tell she was really proud to be part of the ceremony.

Later we had a chance to see her up close. I only got a few grainy pictures of her but in the few minutes that we spent with her she stole my heart. She's a precious little one.
She has so much spirit and life in her. Mary goes crazy every time she sees Jenni's pictures. They were best friends and I know she misses her. I will never forget Jenni throwing herself into my arms and crying out "Mama" knowing she was being left behind.
I so want for her to have a family. I know she would thrive. She needs surgery for her cleft palate, but she will never get it there!  Because she is 'disabled' she will be institutionalized for the rest of her life. Break my heart!
Please help me share Jenni.
Please help me raise her grant account. 
Her page is HERE and on it there is a video you can watch of her!
I would love one day to share with our little one that her best friend has a family!


  1. Why does it say in Jenni's RR profile that a family must be approved for her 17 year old brother as well ? Does that mean a family has to take her 17 year old brother as well ? Why aren't you making that more prominent in that case. Families should know about that for any would want Jenni but not her 17 year old brother.

    1. Jenni's been listed for almost a year with her older brother... He's probably no longer a factor since he is probably 18 or close to it. Once he turns 18 he shouldn't be in the system anymore.

  2. I couldn't get the video to play but it may be a problem on my side.

  3. I also couldn't get the video to play. Did Jenni get the triple match you mentioned? I was the donor that got her up over that amount and can't tell if she got the triple or not.

  4. I added a little to Jenni's account, I hope this sweet girl makes it over the $1,000 wall like the other two in this "trio". I am so thankful for all those who give even a small amount that can add up so quickly! What joy these children may receive by it!!!
    I had a question... you share pictures of the children on your blog. Are these all pictures you have taken, or did you have to be approved by Reece's Rainbow to share them? And what about the information you share on them? I just wondered, because I would love to direct others to these children's accounts on occasion, but didn't know how it worked :).
    Blessings in Christ,
    Bri from

    1. Some of the pictures are mine or ones that I have been given. The ones on the RR site are free for anyone to use. You are free to share my blog links with anyone. The info on the RR site is free for you to share. I don't take info from anyone else's blog and use without their express permission.

    2. Thank you! I wouldn't take anything from your blog, I was just wondering if I needed to be an approved Reece's Rainbow blogger to use the pictures they have shared on that site :). I've wanted to share before and not known how to go about it - it just struck me that you would know if I needed to get Reece's Rainbow's permission in some way :).
      Thank you so much <3. Merry Christmas!!!!


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