
Friday, May 11, 2018

The Beast

Yesterday was a hard day.
Epilepsy is a quiet beast. It too often catches us unawares and rears its ugly head.
I was in the bathroom with little girl. She was standing next to me when the beast struck. Her head slammed into the sink. I grabbed her but it was too late. Blood came pouring out of both her nostrils. Cries of pain and terror. Cradled in my arms with a towel against her nose I yelled for Rob.
I hate the beast.
I hate it.
Over the last few days he's reared his ugly head. Slamming her head into the sink was the last straw.
Little girl is sporting her pink helmet again.

She took it in stride.
We wanted to cry.
Thankfully, we think we know why the beast is currently striking. Some of her most recent bloodwork had a few rather severe deficiencies. So we are adding more supplements to make up for the imbalances caused by the diet.
Unfortunately, the four times a day, 7 day a week nifty pill box that we fill up with all her pills is not big enough. Her new regiment of drugs now requires pills five times a day.
I hate the beast.
I have to remind myself that he's much quieter. Less fierce. We have pushed back against him and claimed much of what he had taken. We are impatient. We want him gone. But her kind of beasts do not disappear quickly. Some of them never leave entirely. We know this.
We know but choose to believe the best.
She is so worth the fight.
To all of you who have given to the Ewer family - Thank you.
Yesterday they passed court.
Jonathan is an orphan no longer.

They can't take him home this trip.
They have the 30 day wait and then cross the ocean one more time.
They are still not funded and so if you have not donated you have time!!
They are doing a quilt giveaway.
It's an Amish quilt - "Picnic Basket" - from Lancaster County, PA
It's 91 in. x 100 in. Spring/Summer colors.
Just $3.00 gets you an entry.
$10.00 gets you 4 entries.
$20.00 - 10 entries.
$30.00 - 15 entries.
$40.00 - 25 entries.
$50.00 - 50 entries.
Donate and then e-mail your receipt to Dana - so you can be entered to win!!
The family needs their FSP to reach $14,168.00 to be fully funded.

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