
Friday, July 3, 2020

Our Little Secret

Abandoned. Lost. Ragged and scared. 

Starved. Covered in ticks and fleas. Infested with worms.

Just a little dog.

Hiding, trembling in the woods.

Weariness, hunger, sickness made him easy to catch.

Kind hands carried him to their house. Food. A safe place to stay.

Lost dog they cried. His picture shared hundreds of times.

No response. Silence.

They called him Walker. 

They asked us.

Would you care for this lost puppy?

Foster him?

Love him?

Stinking. Mangy. Sick.

We brought him home. Whispering words of comfort. His little body shivering. Scared. Who were these new people?

As soon as he could he ran. His little legs heading for the woods. Until he could run no more. Weariness allowed him to be caught and carried back home. 

But again, as soon as he was able he escaped - through the rail of the porch and dropping 10 feet to the ground. He ran. Again we gave chase. Following. Until weariness again overcame him. 

He cried all night. His pitiful howls broke our hearts. 

We washed him. Cared for him.

The kittens hissed and spit at first and then determined that he posed little threat. 

The vet gave us meds for tick fever and worms. They found a chip implanted and called his family. We reported him to the SPCA.

He made his home on our couch and chair. Rotating between the two places all day. 

We paid the bills and waited. Who would abandon this dog? 

His sweetness shining through his misery.

He stole our hearts but we steeled ourselves. We can't keep what belongs to someone else. We couldn't share. He was our little secret.

We fostered. And we loved. We let him sleep. And sleep he did. For days and weeks. Only slowly emerging back to life. Watching us. 

Wagging his tail with joy each time we loved him. Stroked him. Going outside only when coaxed. Terrified of being left alone. As soon as a door would open he was back on the safety of his couch. Back to the chair. Back to sleeping and watching. 

And our terror-filled pup found peace. He began to follow us outside. Trailing along behind.  When Rob installed a cat/dog door he was beside himself with joy. He could come and go at will. No longer terrified of being trapped outside. 

And today.

He's ours. 

No one responded to the calls. His family silent.

We can legally keep him.

Our little abandoned pup has found a forever home.

We call him Miles. Miles Walker. 

Our pup traveled many Miles before he Walked into our home and hearts.

He is perfect for us. Sweet. Gentle. Easy-going. He doesn't mind little girls who put pony holders on his ears or plays with her toys in his sleeping spot. He is fine with babysitting the kittens. He loves the craziness and loudness of our family. He is content to stay in our yard - roaming only as far as dad's house to peek in his windows and wish him a sweet hello. 

He came from trauma. He has many fears. But we understand trauma here. We are fine with giving space. We don't mind pups who need to feel safe on a couch and sofa. We are happy with him just the way he is. 

Our Miles Walker has come home. 

He's been our little secret.

And we are so thrilled!


  1. Those ears!!! He is precious! I love that the cats cuddle with him! I'm dying from the cuteness!

  2. oh this makes me SO SO happy. thank you for having patience and faith in new pup!!!!

  3. You were chosen for a reason. A small furry blessing that you weren't expecting. He was placed with you to fill a void you probably didn't even know was there.You all needed him as much as he needed you! Congrats on your newest family member!

  4. I wish you would consider adopted ME. You are such wonderful people. Gotta admit, this made me cry a little.


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!