
Thursday, August 5, 2010

News of sorts

     We heard from our facilitator today.  In a nutshell and as best as we can understand, the judge is continuing to work through our paperwork.  To compound the issue, key people in her district who would take part in court are on vacation until the end of August.  So we are looking at court not happening until September at the earliest.
     To say we are sad would be putting it mildly.  We are looking at another four weeks at least before we can go back for Aaron.  It grieves us that he will not understand what happened to us.  Though we have been reassured that he has been told we will come back, he is just a little boy and we were the first visitors he has ever had.  I can't wrap my brain around the fact that I can't hold him, kiss his cute little cheeks and listen to his incredible laugh for another month. 

     Please don't grow weary in praying for him, for the judge, for our facilitators, for our situation.  Please keep praying!


  1. I know exactly how you feel.

    It's a tough place to be.

    But at least Aaron is cognitively able to understand (hopefully!) that you are indeed coming back for him.

    With our Ari, we didn't think he understood at all. We were with him everyday for nearly a month, then home for a month. That was really hard.

    But...this too shall pass.

    Once we were back with him again, it didn't seem like we had been away.

    You have your WHOLE future with Aaron, and I believe he does know in his heart that he has a mom and dad that love him and are coming back just for him.

    Let God work in your hearts during this time, and find His peace.

    I'm still praying. And I won't stop until the wheels are up and you're in the sky ;)

  2. I'm praying....God has been faithful to bring your family and Aaron to my mind, often when I am out for my morning walk. Ask God what He is wanting you to do in preparation right now...He is perfectly capable of speeding this process up, and I know many of us are asking Him to do that, but should He allow all of you to continue waiting, I know you do not want to waste these weeks of waiting. May His peace, which passes understanding, guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus!

  3. I am praying for your family and for sweet Aaron!

  4. When we applied to adopt Erika, our letter of intent showed up on the desk of the director at ZelenyGaj orphanage, the SAME DAY she was supposed to leave for a mental institution. Her bags were packed.
    We had expected to travel fairly soon. Our dossier had been accepted etc.
    The director emailed us in all caps: YOU PLAN TO ADOPT HER REALLY? We said yes..... He hid her in the orphanage for us.

    THEN: ALL ADOPTIONS were shut down... The NAC was switching over to the SDA.... there were problems with post placement reports etc. Erika only knew: 1. she was supposed to leave.
    2. She had to stay and she didn't know why.

    After a few weeks, an orphanage worker told her that we were coming for her, and if she wasn't good, "they would send her off to the institution and we would never see her."
    She was told this many times, over the months.
    She waited by the window for us every single day, and eventually, became sad and depressed.
    7 months went by......
    and we got the call. Technically Ukraine was STILL shut down! But, for special needs children, older children and people who had made post placement reports, they were making exceptions.
    We were given a 1 week notice! We rushed to get ready and leave.
    Upon arrival, we were told, "we can't guarantee we will have a court date before we shut down again."
    Then, we met her. Her first words to us were, "where have you been I've been waiting 50 years!"
    (this is soooo Erika) lol
    We finished court and the very next day, all adoptions were shut down...... amazing....they did not open back up for a LONG time.

    God's timing was perfect. Your sweet son will wait, and it will seem long, but the reunion will be sweet. :)

  5. I won't stop praying for you :)

  6. Praying ... thank you for sharing this journey. I am burdened for Brian - and am praying for the relationship you are building with that institution. Your sweet little Aaron is just beautiful.

  7. Our family is praying for you.


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