
Thursday, August 5, 2010

Still Waiting for News

     Time is passing slowly.  We have had no news since Monday night and the wait is hard.  We miss Aaron.

Oh what we would give to bring him home. 

Does he think he has been abandoned again?  Is he still looking out the window, waiting for us? 

There are just no more words.


  1. my heart is breaking too...

    can anyone there go see him and explain things? facilitator or anyone?

    I check here several times a day. praying. trusting.

  2. Hi Julia -

    Please know our family is praying for you!

    Can you please e-mail me at Thanks much!

    Tina (from RR)

  3. Still waiting on news and we're still praying, and will until you return with Aaron by your side.

  4. Dear Julia & Family,

    We are praying for all of you and Aaron. We will all be rejoicing when everything is worked out and he is home with all of you.


  5. Aunt Julia,

    I've been checking the blog every day since I returned home. This lack of news discourages me, as well. I don't know what Aaron is thinking or feeling, but God does. God has known every detail of his life story since long before Aaron was born. Your only hope is to trust (and I know you do) that He will make you central figures in that story.

    Love and prayers,

  6. Praying . . . and checking each day (several times a day) just in case you have news. I know you will share when you do . . . God bless. May you find His Arms underneath you . . . we ache with you . . .

  7. Oh Julia, I'm heartbroken for you all...PRAYING!!!!! He will be in your arms very soon. God's timing is perfect!!



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