
Tuesday, November 23, 2010

My Bracelet

    For 3 months now I have worn around my wrist a bracelet.  I bought it from a friend.  She was selling them to raise money for their adoption.  I bought it in August, at a time in their process when she had completely reached the end of her rope.  She was burned out and exhausted from the constant roadblocks they had encountered on their journey to adopt a little girl with down syndrome from Aaron's former country.  It had been over a year of mountain after mountain for them and there just didn't seem to be an end in sight.  The possibility that they would not make it through to the end was very real. There were no words of comfort I could give my friend except to say that I was praying.  Our adoption at that time was also stuck in mire.  We were home, hoping and praying that a judge would have mercy and grant us court to go back and get Aaron.  We were swimming in our own shock as we waded through the system, but our grief did not compare to the cross my friend was carrying for their child. 

     You see they had already lost a child.  A beautiful little girl with down syndrome who died of cancer in 2008.  They knew all about grief and loss.  They had walked a road I couldn't understand and hope to never take.   When they committed to a Reece's Rainbow child, it was not to replace their precious Caylyn.  They didn't originally plan to adopt the child they picked, Marina, only to advocate for her.  But they could not get her out of their hearts and minds and so in a massive leap of faith they committed to adopt her.  That was in June 2009.  But major obstacles were in their way and by August 2010, my friend had just reached the end.  They seemed no closer to getting over the mountain than when they started. 

      All I could offer was prayer, a shoulder to cry on and a purchase of a bracelet. I bought the bracelet and put it on.  My constant, hourly reminder to pray. Marina needed a family.  My friend needed Marina.

     Today I am looking at the bracelet with tears in my eyes.  Good tears.  Happy tears.  Marina is home.  She came home yesterday.  The journey to get her is over. 

     In church on Sunday, as the people around me were singing and worshipping, and with Aaron sitting happily on the chair beside me I put my head in my hands and quietly began to weep.  I was holding my bracelet and thinking of my friend.  Realizing anew what a Mighty God we serve.  Marveling at His tender mercies. 

     I worried when they flew out in October to get Marina.  Their process from June 2009 to September 2010 was so horrific, I just trembled in fear that they would get hit with more mess and mire.  My heart longed for them to have peace over there.  I was so afraid that the same paperwork issues that caused them to stumble here, would prevent them from completing the adoption.  But God in His Love and Kindness granted them peace.  He allowed them to fight all their paperwork giants on this side of the ocean.  He let them battle their faith issues on US soil.  By prolonging the process, He forced them to face their loss and grief and anger and hurt before they boarded the plane.  But once on Marina's soil, He calmed the storm.  He granted them rest.  They breezed through their days.  My friend, her husband and their precious boy.  Together, they met Marina.  Joy Unspeakable.  She was alive, happy, fiesty and so full of life she knocked their breath away. He hand picked a little girl who fit perfectly in their family, in the same way God handpicked Aaron for us.  Oh how marvelous is our God to know exactly what we need and to so graciously offer it to us.  How loving a Savior.  I wept on Sunday and I weep again today.  I can't wait to meet Marina.  To hear her sassy little voice and her bossy little ways.  I look forward to laughing at how quickly she has whipped her family into shape.  I rejoice that God kept her carefully and tenderly all these years for this family.  Oh the healing as they love on their new precious treasure.  No she doesn't replace their loss... but as my friend so aptly put it a few days ago on her blog:

     "Our family once again has managed to complete a journey and embark on one all at the same time, yet again.  God has been very gracious.  More than I ever ever dreamed.  Cay would love this gal.  But without Caylyn and her journey I can surely say there would not be a Marina Hope Bachman in our lives.

       So this morning I cry.  Happy tears.  Marina is home safe.  One more orphan in the arms of a loving, Godly family.  I marvel at God's goodness and I rejoice at His tender love.  My friend and her family - though tested in their faith - have come through. 

Psalm 30: 5b - "Weeping may endure for the night, but JOY comes in the morning."


  1. This post has brought so much joy to my heart . Not just for your dear friend , but for you too!!
    Sometimes I wonder if God had adoption in mind with Psalm 30. It became alive and real for us on our last adoption journey. Happy Thanksgiving to you and Marinas' family. She's a doll.
    Carolyn and David

  2. Thank God!

    They deserve so much happiness after all they've been through.

    She's adorable too :)

  3. How great is Our God! Look at that beautiful girl and her overjoyed family - WOW. How abundantly clear that EVERY life is precious to Him.

  4. She is a very sassy, bossy, wonderful little girl! So sweet and loving with her brother, and Timothy while we were all together in country. I miss them all so much! Praise God that they are home at last!!

  5. I got to meet little Marina and the Bachmans at the Embassy when we were all there getting our visas. She is am amazing, FEISTY little girl!!! The Bachmans are going to have one happy, busy home with her. =)

    BTW, I have that e-mail address you asked for. My husband has it somewhere but I'll track it down and send it to you.

  6. Gracious! I cried when I read that on Cathy's blog and now again reading it on yours! lol Tears of joy and praise though!

  7. We have an awesome God who REDEEMS ALL THINGS!! Recently I have heard Him telling me that the way He redeems things makes it way better than if it had gone the way I wanted it to in the first place...helps get me passed being stuck with what I wanted and asking why He didn't give me that in the first place!! The interactions with Him and the way He replaces with Living Truth the deceptions I have believed is incredible!!

  8. I too had the pleasure of meeting Marina, Timothy and some others the day they were there getting visas. I also have the very same bracelet I bought for Mayah (and a future little girl, sometime) that I'm going to give her next Tuesday when i break her out!! That bracelet signifies oh so much of God's provision, Love and His ability to help us all endure all things and to finish each race in His perfection.

  9. Julia...have you EVER written a post that didn't make me cry?!? LOL :) This was beautiful. I'm so happy for Marina and Aaron and all the other RR children spending this Thanksgiving with their forever families.

  10. Teary eyed. Beautiful! Happy Thanksgiving:)

  11. Oh Julia, I am sitting on here listening to Marina snoring on the couch (she is stuck in small bed mentality from the orphanage). It is five a.m. and I finally have time to read your blog since we got home... You are my shoulder to shoulder friend as we pray our way through this world and I too cannot wait to let you share in a Marina hug. They are amazing! I can't stop looking at her and thinking that she really is REAL! Thank you for your post, it is heartwarming and humbling and awesome, all rolled together>>>love cathy

  12. I too have found GREAT joy in knowing that Cathy and her husband were able to adopt Marina without further difficulties. PRAISE GOD!!


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