
Thursday, November 25, 2010

Just Saying...

I'm thankful I worship a Risen Savior.

I'm thankful for family and that I live in a free country. 

I'm thankful our THANKSGIVING Feast does NOT include Borscht.

I'm thankful that I get to tell the littlest member of our family over and over and over and over again that Mama AND Papa AND Ben AND Elijah AND Aaron and Pooh Bear are ALL going to go to Aunt Tracey's house and that Mama AND Papa AND Ben AND Elijah AND Aaron and of course Pooh Bear are ALL going to go back home after two sleeps. 

I'm thankful for the 350+ Reece's Rainbow children who are with their families this Thanksgiving Day.

I'm thankful for the 100+ Reece's Rainbow children who have families longing for the day when they will be seated at their table.

.... But I'm grieving for my Lost Boys... It can't be helped.... Just Saying...


  1. I have a ? Did u guys give Aaron the pooh bear or is it something he had befor had?

  2. I am thankful for you. As I said when we went around the table at dinner "I'm thankful for the Nalle family. I am thankful that at this time last year I was getting an email that Aaron had been transferred, waking up at 2 am thinking about him, knowing that he would haunt me forever if he didn't find a home. I am thankful that he is at his aunt's house tucked in safe by his mama and papa with his pooh bear in his arms.

    I am thankful for YOU Julia.

  3. It's OK to grieve even in the midst of your thankfulness and joy. . . I think Jesus would understand that . . .

  4. I'm thankful that we became connected through our adoptions and that I get to read your AMAZING blog! I don't always comment but I thoroughly enjoy your honesty and your heart for our Lord and for orphans!!!

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  5. I found your blog through RR. We are adopting two boys Nikita & Dusty from Ukraine (3). I've been reading many of your posts tonight...through smiles & tears. Thanks for sharing and we will continue to pray for all the children to find their forever families. It's blogs like yours that move people to adopt! Keep 'em coming and God will continue to help soften those hearts!!


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!