He was part of a hosting program.
One child out of many available to spend the summer with a willing family.
He was one of many but he was unique. He sported an extra chromosome.
He was one of many available to spend the summer with a willing family.
But as the days went by and the deadline for being chosen loomed, no willing family stepped forward. While all the other children were finding families, he was being left behind.
Whether it was because he was special needs, or was a boy, or was a bit older... for whatever reason, he was running out of time.
They had just finished an adoption.
They had brought home a precious little Reece's Rainbow treasure from across the ocean.
She was their fourth Reece's Rainbow babe...
Their eighth adoption.
From four different countries.
Most families would have looked at his picture wearily, nodded and passed right on by.
But the Boroughs are not most families.
I know, I've met Amy.
She's a total nutcase when it comes to orphans.
And when day after day passed and no one picked the sweet little boy waving "Hello!" in the picture.... A sweet little boy who also happened to be listed as available for adoption on Reece's Rainbow...
She broke.
She couldn't turn away.
On the very last day... in the last hour... Amy and Adam looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders and opened their home to a precious little boy for the summer.
They said they were ONLY going to host him.
They said they were going to do whatever it took to find him a family.
I was not born yesterday.
I've been in Amy's house and I've watched her with her kids. I've spend hours and hours talking to her and listening to her heart. There was NO WAY she was going to JUST host him. As soon as he stepped off that plane last summer he completely stole their hearts.
As soon as he walked into their lives Amy became a total weeping mess.
Every moment he was there she spent agonizing over the coming moment when he would have to leave.
Putting him back on the plane was the absolute hardest thing they have ever done.
His country is HARD. The requirements are HARD. Where he lives, the cost is HIGH. Their chances of adopting him based on the country's income requirements and their family size .... slim. But he is special needs, and older, and a boy.... And because of all of these strikes against him, a few weeks ago... the Boroughs were finally and officially approved to adopt him! This came only after months and months of jumping through all the hoops, biting every single nail off their fingers, praying, crying and praying some more. I know how much crying Amy has done. We are part of a tiny little prayer group together and we have spent a lot of time wading through her tears over that one little boy.
But there's more to this story.
More than just the adoption of one little boy.
Last fall I had the pleasure of introducing Amy to my dear cancer-fighting, not-gonna-quit, orphan-advocating, sock-sewing, Jesus-loving friend Elizabeth.
Who found out last September that her cancer had come back.
Elizabeth, who takes each sucker punch that cancer sends her and uses it as an opportunity to BLESS someone.
I introduced the two, shared Luke's story, and that was all it took. Elizabeth decided right then and there that Luke was officially on her bucket list Make a Wish list. She was not going to rest until Luke was fully funded and home with the Boroughs.
And that was that!
Who's going to argue with someone who's fighting for her life so hard and so well-- whose every breath and thought reminds us that life is a good gift from God, worth living, worth fighting for?
There was one small hitch in the plan. The Boroughs couldn't announce that they were the ones adopting Luke until they were officially matched. But that didn't stop Elizabeth. She rallied her forces and had a good friend, Kelle Hampton, raise money for Luke without sharing who was getting him. I also joined in the fun and shared a post called THE DEHORITY DISTRACTION. Others joined in. Other friends of Elizabeth who care deeply about her.
And that helped. In a HUGE way.
In fact, it chipped the 38,000 dollar price tag for Luke's adoption down to $14,000.
And while Elizabeth waited for the official piece of paper that sealed Luke to the Boroughs, she busied herself getting me funded for my trip last December and taking a trip to England in the midst of horrific chemo treatments ... yes she did.... She was in England while I was in Aaron's country.
And donating here and there and everywhere. On New Year's Eve after an awful week of chemo, she was seen dropping money in the accounts of child after child after child after child on the Angel Tree. We were all watching with tears sliding down our cheeks as she happily gave.
Every single time cancer has slammed her to the floor she has faced it with grace and wit and a love for those who need it the most. On Wednesday she was hit with the worst kind of news. I write this with tears streaming. Her news included words like cancer and bones. Not good.
So Wednesday night... she came in the Reece's Rainbow group looking for adopting families who needed a boost. Families who are staying the course and keeping positive. And we watched with more tears streaming as she donated little bits here and there to encourage those families even as the news of her cancer pressed heavy on her heart.
You see where this is going?
We have to get the Boroughs funded.
Not just for the Boroughs.
A friend of Elizabeth's who is choosing to be anonymous but who feels strongly about grace and gifts and being thankful in the ordinary... and who loves Elizabeth with a deep love.. She has donated some prizes for our BIG GIVEAWAY (name compliments of George Dehority)!
Michelle Howell, Karen Leak and Renee Tam
Sandra Yoong Chia
You get to PICK A CHILD on Reece's Rainbow and 250.00 will be deposited into that child's grant account!
Pam Carswell
You get an Aaron Nalle ORIGINAL Paper Clouds T-shirt!!
All winners need to e-mail me at covenantb@yahoo.com with their name and address and what they won/choose!!
A Kitchen Aid KSM150PSAQ Stand Mixer, Martha Stewart Blue Collection Artisan 5 Qt. Aqua Sky
$340.00 Value
A Nikon COOLPIX L820 16 MP CMOS Digital Camera with 30x Zoom Lens and Full HD 1080p Video (Black)
$228.00 Value

Plus... (Saturday additions... TWO NEW prizes have been added...)
An Apple Mini - 16 GB
$300.00 Value
A $250.00 PICK A CHILD prize. The winner of this prize gets to pick any waiting child on Reece's Rainbow.
An Aaron shirt has been donated...
A women's size XL (but is more like a Medium).
It's easy.
Donate. Any amount. Leave a comment (first/last name and amount- I will not post if you ask me not to post) and you are entered to win one of three prizes. Every five dollar gets you one entry. Every share gets you an entry. The more you give, the more you share, the greater your chances of winning a prize.
The first AND second place AND third place winners get to choose which gift they want (camera or mixer or ipad).
The goal - Fully Funded.
Two weeks. This ends March 14th.
Elizabeth wants this task checked off her Wish list. She has better things to do like knitting socks to bless people.
And spending quality time with her sweet children.
I want this off her Wish List too.
It means more than words can convey.
CLICK HERE to get to the Boroughs blog.
P.S. - Winners will be announced later in the day!!
Donated. Elizabeth, you really know how to live. We are so blessed to know you! Love, The Vanchura Family
ReplyDeleteDonated $200. Thank you for posting this.
ReplyDeleteI can't even begin to tell you how blessed I was by this story! Both families!! :) I donated $15.
ReplyDeleteStephanie Kaczmarzyk. $20.00
ReplyDeleteLove you Elizabeth!!!!!
Beautiful post Julia! Sharing now!!!
Brooke Riley $15. God Bless this endeavor!
ReplyDeleteSuzanne Fristoe $10.00 Praying for both families!!
ReplyDeleteElizabeth you're an amazing woman! So thankful to be a small part of your Big wish! Continued prayers!!! Michele Howell $50
ReplyDeleteSuch beautiful people....and kids! I donated $30. Stacy
ReplyDeleteWill be praying for Elizabeth! She is truly inspiring! shared
ReplyDeleteShared on FB & gave $20 Sandra Yoong-Chia
ReplyDeletePrayers for Elizabeth. Donated $5. Wish I could give more. Chantal Pigeon
ReplyDeleteMailed a check today to Reece's Rainbow for their account. Teresa Curry $500
ReplyDeletePraying as well!
Passed on to family. Gave $100. God bless!
ReplyDeletePam Doloski $20
ReplyDeleteCathy Hedrich: $10
ReplyDeletePraying peace for Elizabeth and her family
Total awesomenes. Shared on Facebook and donated $30? Praying for Elizabeth. Pam Rogers
ReplyDeleteEsther Paris - $100 - and have spread the word to NMSL, Christian NMSL Moms, NMSL yarn, a Facebook group, and my Twitter.
ReplyDeletePraying for Elizabeth~ <3
ReplyDeleteKris J-S
($5, wish I could do so much more)
Donated!!!!! Praying for all!
ReplyDeleteLynnanne Gates $25
ReplyDeleteWhat beautiful people! The world needs more people like the Buroughs and Elizabeth!
This just moved me beyond words! I donated $100 and wish I could do more. Just a wonderful story about such loving people. Christine Ward
ReplyDeletePrayers for all and donation sent <3
ReplyDeleteSending prayers to Elizabeth. I donated $25. Karen Jarsky
ReplyDeleteJen Pollard - Donated $20. Thanks for giving us a chance to help.
ReplyDelete$20.00. For Elizabeth.
ReplyDeleteRich and Margo Brandell happy to donate, sending prayers.
ReplyDeletePrayers! I donated $10.
ReplyDeletePraying for health and wholeness for Elizabeth.
ReplyDeleteand for the Burroughs family to all be together :-)
donated 15.00 Glenda Dunbar
Donated $50 and shared on FB.
ReplyDeleteGood luck. Prayers sent. I donated $10.
ReplyDeletePraying for Elizabeth and all the Reece's Rainbow families- wish I could do more! Donated $25- JoAnna Parente
ReplyDeleteSo honored to be a part of this incredible story that God is in. Thank you so much for sharing this. Donated $100.00.
ReplyDeleteI donated too. And shared with friends. Love you and praying for you Elizabeth and for Luke.
ReplyDeletePrayers for a Elizabeth & this sweet family! I donated $20. Tami Morris
ReplyDeleteI donated. It's almost up to 5000!
ReplyDeleteCynthia Cusson-$5 donated. inspiring people
ReplyDeletePraying for Elizabeth and Luke!!!! I donated $20
ReplyDeleteI donated $35.00 and shared with family and friends. -Tami Snyder
ReplyDeleteAleah Buck donated $20.00
ReplyDeleteJust donated in honor of my daughters' friend's birthday. Instead of presents, she asked her friends to donate to a charity and I am sure she will be excited about this donation since she was adopted internationally herself!!
ReplyDeleteJust donated $15. Makes me cry so hard, but I am so grateful I can be a part of something so great!! Also, praying for Elizabeth so hard right now!!
ReplyDeleteNaomi (patti rices DIL)
amazing! donated $100
ReplyDeleteThank you for allowing us to be part of the miracle. I donated.
ReplyDeleteTammy Jenkins: $35- I'm praying for God's Glory and His Timing for Elizabeth and for the Reese family.
ReplyDeleteI'm sharing on FB, too so that my friends can join in praying and supporting this cause.
Donated $29 and shared on Twitter. Rosemarie
ReplyDeleteLois Haagsma: $50
ReplyDeletePraying for Elizabeth and the Borough's family
Praying for the Borough family to be all together again soon and for Elizabeth. I donated $15. Thank *you* so much for helping us to come together to support and help. The moments when we get to be His hands and feet are precious. Tanya Wellburn
ReplyDeleteDenise Hunnell $100. Praying for Elizabeth and her family.
ReplyDeleteDonated! Prayers for all!
ReplyDeleteDonated $10 Julie Kieras (PayPal). Also shared to http://twitter.com/ayearwithmomdad/status/439866835735826432
ReplyDeletedonated and praying...
ReplyDeleteJust wrote a check to send. Will also post on my FB. Praying for Elizabeth!
ReplyDeleteChristina Marrs $120
ReplyDeletePraying for these precious families and so happy that I could help a little.
LeeAnn Gienke $50. Beautiful stories both. Tears of joy for people shining God's grace all over. Thank you for sharing.
ReplyDeleteMichele Greb $25 donated ... praying for Elizabeth and her family, I am also battling cancer and know how precious the things you want to accomplish are ... love, hugs and prayers may you reach every goal!
ReplyDeleteKit Standridge, I donated $15. So glad to be a part of God's story in the world and praying for Elizabeth and the Boroughs.
ReplyDeleteAlyssa J. $100. What a beautiful way Elizabeth lives!
ReplyDeleteDonated $25. Wish I could do more. Prayers for Elizabeth and ALL involved.
ReplyDeletedonated 50.00, praying for Elizabeth and her family..thank you for giving us the opportunity to give..Genna Withrow
ReplyDeleteErin Beaudette $25.00. Prayers being said for such a sweet lady
ReplyDeleteGave $100.00 - with great joy!!!
ReplyDeleteI just donated $25. Praying for all. Cindy Bencaz.
ReplyDeleteTeresa Pazur $25. A small price to pay for a moment of distraction.
ReplyDeleteThanks for making us aware of this. Donated $100 and will share.
ReplyDeleteBeth Bargeron
Danielle Murdock $30, prayers for everyone.
ReplyDeleteDonated $100 and praying for dear Elizabeth and her family...
ReplyDeleteEntered $250 from our quilting community. Hugs and prayers from our needles to yours Elizabeth.
ReplyDeleteLaural Armster - $25 and loving watching those numbers go up. Can't wait to see a picture of him home with his forever family for good!
ReplyDeleteSo inspired by Elizabeth's giving, love and grace! I pray to be more like Elizabeth in my spiritual journey!
ReplyDeletePam - $25
ReplyDeleteLove this! Ann Knauss $10
ReplyDeleteLindsay Loper: $35- Luke is precious! So thrilled to see how much has been raised in such a short amount of time. God is good and His plan is good.
ReplyDeleteDonated $20.
ReplyDeletePraying for all those involved - such wonderful people.
Shared on my Pinterest.
Karen Leak
Donated $10.00 and shared. Prayers. K. Allison
ReplyDeleteJenny Stone~ donated $20 yesterday after being inspired by Elizabeth
ReplyDeleteShared and donated $26...because Ann tweeted it, and we have adopted, and because my brother has Down Syndrome, and because of Luke's amazing adoptive family, and because of Elizabeth and because of Luke...but mostly because of Jesus and the wonders of His love.
ReplyDeleteJust donated via the you caring site! Oh Im so happy for you all and I am so happy to be even just a small part of bringing this precious little guy home <3
ReplyDeleteoh whoops, I forgot to share how much I donated. $10. I will also share this on facebook :) April Starkey
ReplyDeleteWhat a blessing to watch the Holy Spirit in action through all these wonderful women! God is good, all the time! May his everlasting arms hold Elizabeth and her family close. Donated $200. Pia Lischke
ReplyDeleteThere's no stopping the love of God demonstrated through Elizabeth for the Burroughs! It's a privilege to give and pray for both families. Pam Carswell, $50.00.
ReplyDeleteBeth Oyler, donated $8, and I definitely wish I had more to give. Praying for Luke and especially Elizabeth tonight!
ReplyDeleteBecky Keife. $20. Blessed to be a small part. Praying.
ReplyDeleteSending my $100 check in monday's mail. Shared on FB. Praying praying praying. -agnes
ReplyDeleteCalista Baker. Donated $50. Blessings!
ReplyDeleteSo thankful the Lord led me to this post. I had to read it through tears. What examples these ladies are! Heather McSmith (and family) donated $20.
ReplyDeleteThank you for sharing this amazing story! I will be praying for beautiful Elizabeth (along with her family) and the Boroughs as they bring home their baby boy!!
ReplyDeleteBonnie Claire Wilkes, donated $86, and shared via FB
Donated $35, what a story...to God be the glory! Praying for Elizabeth and for Luke!
ReplyDeleteDonated $5 and shared. Jody Kor
ReplyDeleteDelighted to donate $50. Thinking of Isaiah 58, as I too had some recent bad news (my middle child was just diagnosed with type 1 diabetes). It is nothing compared to your beautiful friend Elizabeth, but with fresh pain and other tragedies walked, I know that there is healing in the giving, in the loving, and in following Jesus. Wishing you and Elizabeth and the Boroughs family every spiritual gift of heaven. What a beautiful witness you all are!
ReplyDeleteHappy to be a small part of the great work this family is doing. Kelly Stogner $100
ReplyDeleteDonated $15. What a blessing to hear about people like Elizabeth and the Boroughs!
ReplyDeleteDonated $25.00, -Kathryn Plett, - blessings and prayers, praising God!
ReplyDeleteDonated. THANK YOU for sharing this, we are blessed and inspired.
ReplyDeleteI shared on my Facebook, Twitter, and Google + God bless
ReplyDeleteDonated $20 and praying. Amy Lawson
ReplyDeleteDonated $100. Praying. Thanking.
ReplyDeleteHeidi c.
I donated $25. What a privilege!
ReplyDeleteI see that they are fully funded, but I would still like to donate to another child in honor of Elizabeth and my little niece, Emma {has ds} and my granddaughter Claire, adopted from China. Could you let me know where to donate now that the Buroughs family are funded. {which child Elizabeth would like to advocate for next} I have been reading her blog since George was born and am inspired daily by her grace.
ReplyDeleteSue - Elizabeth picks this sweet one...http://reecesrainbow.org/64331/lynda