Saturday, January 8, 2011

A Long Winter

My Mother's heart is feeling trashed this morning.  After a night of laying next to my youngest, holding him and listening to him weep in pain and in frustration - I just want to crawl into a hole and not come out again until this ordeal is over.

 I know that what we are doing is right.  The long term benefits of getting Aaron's feet flat will far outweigh the pain and agony he is enduring right now.  He can't continue to toe-walk.   It is dangerous.  The scars all over his little body testify to why we needed to get the process started as soon as possible. I know all of this in my head, but my heart - that is another story.   I hate every single part of it.  I want to just sit down and weep in pain and frustration with him and for him.    There is so much on his body that needs to be 'fixed.'  So many treatments that will cause him pain and frustration.  So many.  All we can do is take it one single step at a time.  One single step. 

The calm before the storm...

Aaron meeting Ben and Sophia who were adopted a little over a year ago.  They both have Arthro just like Aaron, and are in the final stages of their casting process.

What an absolute joy to meet these two sweet children whom we have only known through the wonderful world of blogs!!

We met several other families with Arthro kids but unfortunately I didn't get pictures!  What a blessing to meet others who are walking down the same road.  

All total - five of the Arthro kids we met were adopted. 


I just want to stop the day here.  Happy, silly - Aaron.

He looked so little sitting there.  So little.

This morning after a long, hard night.  A picture speaks a thousand words.

It is going to be a long winter.


  1. Show him Nancy's Geri! She was casted for a long time too, and now she is doing so well(I know not the same condition, but still).

    Praying for peace for you all!!

  2. Poor guy. You are right, though. You ARE doing the right thing. Yes, it will be a long, hard winter. But you are giving him the GIFT of mobility for years to come.

  3. SO sad as a mom to see your child suffering, even if you know it's for their good in the long run. Praying for you all!

  4. Praise God that you were able to give Aaron this opportunity! Without it, his mobility would be so much less in the future, and not so safe, as you said. I feel for him but have to be happy that he is home, for good, and now starting on what should have been for him so many years ago. Be strong mommy Julia - you have endured way way more than this and you will get through - love wins!

  5. Sweet Boy! I will be saying many, many Prayers for him. I know it hurts your Mama Heart, because it hurts mine!! Hugs ~ JO

  6. Sweet boy with such a loving family who wants to help him. He will be so glad down the road. Praying for you all!

  7. I so wish we had more time to spend together on your visit. we loved seeing you. I know Aarons hands dont do much but you might be surprised that he finds NEW ways to do things now that his OLD ways arent gonna work with his legs all tied up in casts. Ben is really minimally affected but Sophie has learned so many new things! she even found herself a new ay to eat soup and it worked great for her. sometimes these kids see outside the box when we cant even see the sides of the box because we are so in it. he will perk up. I promise. sophie and ben are ALWAYS down the first day after casts and they think they are broken and helpless. a little tough love and "routine" and they are back to doing everything they ever did. Ben also walked A LOT in his casts! you might see Aaron do it too! Im sorry you guys have to go through this I know its hard. but look on the bright side, you will be done much faster than we were, AND you only have ONE kid in casts! really loved seeing you guys. would love to spend more time with you on your next visit. ps every time I see Aaron I say my goodness that is one handsome boy.

  8. Awe such a sweet boy going through so much yet with such a beautiful family that loves him so much. Praying for you all.

  9. So sorry your boy, and you, have to go through this hard time. Praying for you all.

  10. Praying with you and for you and Aaron, Julia. He is a treasure.

  11. Poor baby :(. I hate to see my kids in pain. I wish him a speedy recovery. I will be praying for him.

  12. Poor him & poor you. :( Praying that he is feeling better soon.

  13. Aaron looks so sad..... Life isn't fair sometimes but when all the casting is over, you will be glad you did it.

  14. So sorry to see you and your boy in pain. What a small glimps of how the Saviour must feel when He gives us a trail that is for are best yet we don't understand why we have to go through the pain. I pray that your little guy's heart will be uplifted and he will smile again real soon.

  15. This has got to be really tough, as he uses his feet like his hands. :(

    Did they say why they casted above the knee? That is gonna be sore.

  16. Such a sad picture at the end. I am praying that Aaron feels better and gets used to the casts soon!

  17. Julia, can you possibly give Aaron some fun movies to watch during this time? Laughing helps to forget the pain for a little while.

    Or can you buy him an animal to cuddle with? (NO lovebirds of course, ;-)) A rabbit maybe?


  18. Oh my goodness- that does break your heart I know!!! I am so sorry for all of you!!


  19. Oh, that sad face really breaks my heart :-( I understand him, that's in a way both his feet (=his ability to walk) AND his hands (=his ability to do anything at all) that's gone..... Have you been able to explain ti him what is happening and why?

  20. Praying for you all. Z just had his hamstring lengthening and hip contracture release this week and has casts on both legs too. He told me in while recovering in the hospital "I didn't know it would hurt so much." He knows it's necessary to help him walk some day, but the pain is more than he wants. Did they give you anything for muscle spasms or pain?

  21. Added to my prayer list! Blessings!


  22. Hang in there Momma!! Aaron will warrior through this!!

  23. Poor baby and poor mama. Praying for you! He will be fine in no time, I'm sure. He's a tough little boy ;) And are Ben and Sophie cute or what??

  24. I know how tough it was when Chad broke his foot and had to be in a cast . . . the first few days were terrible but after a bit it got better and he didn't slow down much. During the really rough time we watched a lot of Winnie the Pooh and did Motrin. I don't know how much either of those things will help Aaron, but they might a bit. Also, check out the homeopathic ARNICA tablets (dissolve under tongue) as they are great for easing muscle stiffness and pain . . . Hugs, Mommy . . . you have a Mommy heart and I know it will help ease Aaron's tough tmies in the weeks and months ahead! As always, we are HERE for you!

  25. Oh Julia,
    So sorry for your sweet little guy. It's so hard. Our daughter has a cleft lip and palate so we have to deal with lots of surgeries, etc. It is so difficult while you are in the midst of it, but when it is all completed it will be amazing the difference it will make in his life (and yours). We have been going to Shriner's for a few years now. They are beyond amazing, so wonderful. I will be praying for all of you.

  26. Julie I've been following your blog for a little while. I don't know if I've ever gotten to write on here as I've tried a few times but not succeeded I know that much (my error)Anyway firstly Aaron is so cute and you have a wonderful family :).. I just wanted to say that his feet in their original position aren't so bad so hopefully the length of casting won't be too long..It does stink and is heartwrench but watching them figure out how to get around is wonderful.. my son is 2.5yrs old with AMC.. hope to get to know you all better :)


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