Monday, July 23, 2012

Mulligan Babes

On this Monday morning when the work to-do list is beyond reason and I'm getting nowhere on history curriculum writing...

When the social network means that people can tear people down, slander them and call them names without any remorse...

When my house is filthy and I don't have a large enough shovel to sift through the muck...

On this Monday morning...

when things just seem a bit out of hand in my world...

I get to stop and get perspective because..

On this Monday morning

One of our Mulligan Stew Babes is Home..nestled in his Papa's arms forever (KEITH)

And another of our Mulligan Stew Babes just met his Mama and Papa for the first time today...

Good grief IAN - You are beyond precious!!!!

And these four Mulligan Stew kids just moved one HUGE step closer to having their family cross the ocean for them... The state approval their family needed WAS GIVEN.  


Who cares about deadlines and dirty houses and to-do lists and nasty friends on facebook.... 


For your information.. the Heim family STILL NEEDS at least 15,000 or more to adopt their four treasures.  Yet if you were to go ON THEIR BLOG you will see that they are AS USUAL putting their needs aside and helping another family raise their funds for their adoption.  

So as we rejoice that they just received a HUGE Golden Ticket (they still have one more to collect) - it sure would be nice to bless them a bit as they are blessing others....

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Julia, I've been AWOL from computer-land for ever but I am so glad to read the great news here.


Loving words from kind people make our hearts glad!