Thursday, April 23, 2015

It's a Miracle

Thanks be to God our Father, from Whom all blessings flow. Amen.

We passed court today, which makes it official: John Edward Nalle is now our son!


We have much to share, but we're far too exhausted to share it today. Even as we write, Julia is rushing out the door to catch a train. As for Rob, he will remain behind here to soldier on alone through the mandatory 10-day waiting period.
Tune in again for more exciting new episodes, which promise to include:
What's in a Name?
The Return of Perry Mason
The Fabulous Five


  1. Congrats to the newly expanded Nalle family!!

  2. What a JOY to see this message today!!! God's rich blessings for your growing family Julia & Rob!

  3. So happy for you and your beautiful new son! Congratulations, and thanks be to God!

  4. My prayer I've prayed over him for so long has finally been answered!! Remember he stole my heart before he stole yours!!

  5. So sweet! I love the pictures. You son's smile looks just like his dad's...God is good!

  6. Praise God! Look at those very satisfied smiles on John's face. He belongs!!

  7. Praise the Lord! Congratulations to John Edward Nalle and the entire Nalle family! Thank you so much for letting us be a part of your journey. Praying for safe travel home and the Lord's comfort for all through the transition. Becky

  8. Congratulations! Such wonderful news!
    Amazing how much he looks like Rob in that photo :-)

  9. Praise and thanksgiving!! Congratulations to all!! So, so wonderful. John just looks like he is where he belongs--in the arms of a Mama and Papa. And with three wonderful brothers to top it all off.

    God bless, MayLynne

  10. As a lip-reader, I always look at the mouths of people. I note that father/son photo above and they look very much alike!!! These past few posts have brought tears to my eyes every time. Praise the Lord for His goodness to the growing Nalle family!!!!!!!

  11. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you all! I guessed John's name a while back. Ian and Ivan are John in English, and John just suits him! I'm so happy for young John, for Aaron and the big brothers, and for you two who welcome your newest son. I wish you all happiness and good health, and God's blessings. :) samm in Canada

  12. Congratulations! So happy for you!!!!

  13. What a gorgeous boy. God's ways are indeed wondrous. Congratulations to all of you!

  14. Congratulations to all of you - so happy to hear this! God bless you all during your travel and waiting period.

  15. What a beautiful name for a beautiful little boy! I'm so happy for all of you. Oh, and isn't it amazing how much he looks like his brand new mom and dad??

  16. I have been watching from the side and am so happy for all of you!

  17. Congratulations!!!!!!!!! Praise the Lord!!!! I wish you all God Speed as you head out on your travels home. I am just so very happy for you all!!!! :-D

  18. Rejoicing with your family. Thanking the Lord for placing John and all of you in each others hearts. Continued prayers. Whenever I read the words "Perry Mason" the theme music kicks in. Guess that's what I'll hear as I go to sleep. And will picture you all in court and the judge's final awesome decision. Praise God!

  19. So thrilled to see this news. Can't wait to see him home

  20. WOOOOOOOOO-HOOOOOOOOO!!! You know Ian is Scottish for John!! I have an Ian by the way! (((((((((((HUGS))))))))) and many prayers! John you are a HUGE BLESSING!!


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